MADdash (Jarak Rata-Rata Bergerak)


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What's MADdash? A multi timeframe dashboard taking a look at worth's distance from a transferring common.

Tempat saya meletakkan file? Di dalam folder AHLI. It's a giant dashboard designed to take over a chart.
Newest model is an INDIKATOR

What's the background to MADdash? Again in April I began the undertaking with 919gilead. This was the father or mother undertaking to csDash however as a result of MADdash has been steady beneath testing it has not required many modifications. Akibatnya, its growth is now behind csDash which has benefited from sudden ranges of curiosity.

Who has examined MADdash? To this point, solely 919gilead. Hopefully he'll chime in with some dialogue and feedback about its buying and selling utility. I have never traded it personally.

What's prone to occur subsequent? Within the quick time period, bug fixes solely; I am fairly swamped with different tasks! MADdash (Moving Average Distance) 2

Akhirnya, I might wish to implement a few of the enhancements I made within the growth of csDash. I might additionally wish to substitute the CSM logic instead of the MA distance logic (thus giving a MTF CSM).

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bagaimana cara kerjanya?

On the left hand facet you might have the identical 8 foreign money teams that csDash makes use of.
Please keep in mind that MADdash continues to be finding "sturdy" Dan "lemah" pairs identical to csDash, however by utilizing a unique method.

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For every timeframe, the MA distances are averaged to provide a derived MA distance for every foreign money (the underside line of every of the 8 bins)
Inexperienced signifies that worth is above the MA, pink signifies that worth is beneath the MA.

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MADdash (Moving Average Distance) 3

These derived figures are then recombined in a lot the identical approach that csDash does to provide a calculated/theoretical MA distance for every pair:

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Name: derived.png
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You will need to word the excellence between the precise MA distance of a pair and the derived MA distance. They aren't the identical:

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The pairs are then sorted so as of the derived MA distance, with the pairs exhibiting the best distance (both above or beneath) in the direction of the highest of the listing.

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MADdash (Moving Average Distance) 4

Selain itu, you will see a graph for every TF exhibiting which currencies are "strongest" (exhibiting biggest distance di atas the MA) Dan "weakest" (exhibiting biggest distance di bawah the MA)

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Name: graph.png
Size: 8 KB

akhirnya, there's a column exhibiting energetic alerts. The alerting standards in the intervening time is as follows (arduous to elucidate, I will come again and edit this later):
TF1 means Time Body 1 (default is M1)
TF2 means Time Body 2 (default is M5)

  1. TF1 base foreign money >= Alert Threshold, Dan
  2. TF1 quote foreign money <= -Alert Threshold, Dan
  3. TF2 base foreign money > TF1 base foreign money, Dan
  4. TF2 quote foreign money < TF1 quote foreign money
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