Menguasai buku besar Terdistribusi Blockchain, desentralisasi dan kontrak pintar



Menguasai buku besar Terdistribusi Blockchain, decentralization and smart contracts defined

By Imran Bashir

Apa yang dicakup oleh e-book ini:

Bab 1, Blockchain 101, memperkenalkan ide-ide penting dari komputasi terdistribusi yang menjadi dasar keahlian blockchain. Ini juga mencakup sejarah masa lalu, definisi, pilihan, macam, and advantages of blockchains together with consensus mechanisms which can be on the core of blockchain expertise.

Bab 2, Decentralization, covers the ideas of decentralization and its relationship with blockchain expertise. Numerous strategies and platforms that can be utilized to decentralize a course of or system have additionally been launched.

Bab 3, Cryptography and Technical Foundations, introduces the theoretical foundations cryptography, which is critical to completely perceive blockchain expertise. Ideas similar to public and non-public key cryptography, with sensible examples, are included. akhirnya, an introduction to monetary markets can also be included as there are lots of attention-grabbing use circumstances for blockchain expertise within the monetary sector.

Bab 4, Bitcoin, covers Bitcoin, the primary and largest blockchain. It introduces technical ideas associated to bitcoin cryptocurrency intimately.

Bab 5, Various Cash, introduces various cryptocurrencies that had been launched after the invention of Bitcoin. It additionally presents examples of various altcoins, their properties, and how they've been developed and carried out.

Bab 6, Smart Contracts, offers an in-depth dialogue on smart contracts. Matters similar to historical past, the definition of smart contracts, Ricardian contracts, Oracles, and the theoretical points of smart contracts are introduced on this chapter.

Bab 7, Ethereum 101, introduces the design and structure of the Ethereum blockchain intimately. It covers numerous technical ideas associated to the Ethereum blockchain that explains the underlying rules, pilihan, and elements of this platform in depth.

Bab 8, Ethereum Growth, offers an in depth sensible introduction to growth of decentralized purposes and smart contracts utilizing the Ethereum blockchain. An introduction to solidity and completely different related instruments have additionally been included on this chapter.

Bab 9, Hyperledger, presents a dialogue concerning the hyperledger mission from the Linux basis, which incorporates completely different blockchain initiatives launched by its members.

Bab 10, Various Blockchains, introduces various blockchain options and platforms. It offers technical particulars and options of other blockchains.

Bab 11, Blockchain – Outdoors of Currencies, offers a sensible and detailed introduction to purposes of blockchain expertise in fields others than cryptocurrencies, together with Web of Issues, authorities, media, and finance.

Bab 12, Scalability and Different Challenges, is devoted to a dialogue of the challenges confronted by blockchain expertise and easy methods to tackle them.

Bab 13, Present Panorama and What’s Subsequent, is geared toward offering details about the present panorama, initiatives, and analysis efforts associated to blockchain expertise. Selain itu, some predictions based mostly on the present state of blockchain expertise have additionally been made.

Who this e-book is for :

This e-book is for anybody who desires to grasp blockchain expertise in depth. It can be used as a reference by builders who're creating purposes for blockchain. Sebaik, this e-book can be used as a textbook for programs associated to blockchain expertise and cryptocurrencies. It can be used as a studying useful resource for numerous examinations and certifications associated to cryptocurrency and blockchain expertise.

Mastering Blockchain Distributed ledgers, decentralization and smart contracts 2

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