Trading Fibsticks

hey merchants,
welcome to this new thread
The Concept for this thread is to share the Purchase or promote setups shaped available in the market for all pairs based mostly on the candlestick sample formation on main fib ranges(FIBSTICKS). the timeframe must be must be minimal one hour and we use the COT report for the path

Purchase setup
1. candlestick sample on or under 61.8, 50 atau 38.2 fib ranges

2. test the COT report whether or not it helps for purchase or not
3. the TP is 138.2 atau 161.8 fib extensions of earlier swing
4. SL should be 20 ke 30 pips under the latest low

Hooked up Picture (click on to enlarge)

Promote setup
1. candlestick sample on or above 61.8, 50 atau 38.2 fib ranges

2. test the COT report whether or not it helps for promote or not
3. the TP is -38.2 atau -61.8 fib extensions of earlier swing
4. SL should be 20 ke 30 pips above the latest low

Hooked up Picture (click on to enlarge)
Click to Enlarge

Name: GBPUSDH4.png
Size: 40 KB
Technical Analyst

Right here is the most recent COT report

Hooked up Picture (click on to enlarge)
Click to Enlarge

Name: photo_2019-04-02_13-30-38.jpg
Size: 94 KB

In COT report the Non commercials are the bankers. They transfer the market as per their positions.
Itu Commercials are the company corporations who usually hedge the costs to cut back the danger for his or her worldwide exercise.
we have to give attention to Non commercials positions


sellers TP reached. doable for a retracement there

Hooked up Picture (click on to enlarge)
Click to Enlarge

Name: EURCADH4.png
Size: 46 KB

Earlier day was reversal and purchase setup in H4 timeframe

Hooked up Picture (click on to enlarge)
Click to Enlarge

Name: EURAUDH4.png
Size: 38 KB
Technical Analyst

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Pengarang: Tim Wiki Valas
Kami adalah tim Trader Forex yang sangat berpengalaman [2000-2023] yang berdedikasi untuk menjalani hidup dengan cara kita sendiri. Tujuan utama kami adalah mencapai kemandirian dan kebebasan finansial, dan kami telah menempuh pendidikan mandiri dan memperoleh pengalaman luas di pasar Forex sebagai sarana kami untuk mencapai gaya hidup mandiri.