売買ストップ指値注文スクリプト MT4 – 無料ダウンロード


Buy/Sell Stop Pending Order Script Review

外国為替取引, 計り知れない可能性の領域, それなりの複雑さは伴います. トレーダーがしばしば直面する課題の 1 つは、適切なタイミングで取引を行うために必要な膨大な時間と労力です。. That's where automated tools and scripts come into play. 今日, we'll delve into the realm of automated scripts, focusing on a particular one: の "pending-order" スクリプト.

バージョン: V 1.0
ターミナル: MT4
発行年: 2023
ワーキングペア: どれでも
推奨される期間: どれでも


Buy/Sell Stop Pending Order Script works with any broker and any type of account, ただし、お客様には次のいずれかを使用することをお勧めします。 トップ外国為替ブローカー 以下にリストされています:

ブローカー名登録する設立年 本社あり てこの作用最低入金額 規制する
The Buy/Sell Stop Pending Order Script MT4 - Free Download 2
1:1000$200ASIC, SCB, 金融庁
The Buy/Sell Stop Pending Order Script MT4 - Free Download 3登録する2008
1:無制限$10CySEC, FCA, FSCA, 金融庁, BVI
The Buy/Sell Stop Pending Order Script MT4 - Free Download 4登録する2009
The Buy/Sell Stop Pending Order Script MT4 - Free Download 5登録する2009
The Buy/Sell Stop Pending Order Script MT4 - Free Download 6登録する2009
🇦🇪 エミレーツ航空
1:1000$5 ASIC, CySEC , IFSC
The Buy/Sell Stop Pending Order Script MT4 - Free Download 7登録する2010
1:500$200FCA , ASIC, DFSA
The Buy/Sell Stop Pending Order Script MT4 - Free Download 8登録する2011
🇬🇧 イングランド
The Buy/Sell Stop Pending Order Script MT4 - Free Download 9登録する2006
読む  VenomVipper (ユーロドル)

Buy/Sell Stop Pending Order Script Settings

The Buy/Sell Stop Pending Order Script MT4 - Free Download 10

What is the Buy/Sell Stop Pending Order Script?

本質的には, this script facilitates automated trading by setting up pending orders in your forex trading account. It's like having an assistant that constantly watches the market for you, placing orders when specific conditions are met. Let's break down its features:

  1. Versatility Across Pairs: The script works across all 外国為替ペア. Depending on the volatility and characteristics of the pair, you may want to adjust the settings.
  2. Order Types: This script doesn’t just stick to one type of order. It automates 40 pending orders at once, categorized into:
    • Buy limit: 10
    • Sell limit: 10
    • Buy stop: 10
    • Sell stop: 10
  3. Broker Compatibility: While the script is powerful, it's essential to ensure that your broker supports multiple pending orders simultaneously. Some brokers might restrict the number of simultaneous pending orders, so choose wisely.

Profit Targets & Equity Management

The core objective of any trading strategy or tool is profitability. With this script, traders have the flexibility to set their profit targets. Let’s say your initial capital is $1,000. If your target profit is $100, once your equity (account balance + current profit/loss) reaches $1,100, you have the option to close all transactions. This includes all active trades and pending orders.

It's a clear, quantitative target that prevents the often detrimental emotional trading decisions traders can make in the heat of the moment.

さらに, documenting your initial capital before running the script is a good practice. This helps in efficiently tracking if your equity has hit the desired profit milestone.

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Practical Outcomes & Considerations

In a two-day trial run on a demo account with $1,000 資本, the script exhibited its potential by garnering a 6% 利益. しかし, an essential aspect to consider is the trading account's leverage. Initially tested on a 1:200 leverage account, there were some limitations. Switching to a 1:1000 leverage account eradicated those concerns.

Buy/Sell Stop Pending Order Script Results

The Buy/Sell Stop Pending Order Script MT4 - Free Download 11

The Buy/Sell Stop Pending Order Script MT4 - Free Download 12

Concluding Thoughts

Automated tools like the "pending-order" script offer a blend of convenience and strategy. しかし, as with all trading tools, it's vital to understand its workings fully and test it in a demo environment before transitioning to a live account. さらに, always be aware of market conditions, as no tool guarantees a profit. その代わり, they serve as enablers, allowing you to maximize your potential in the dynamic world of forex trading.


Download Buy/Sell Stop Pending Order Script

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14.99 KB



平均評価 5 / 5. 投票数: 1

これまでのところ投票はありません! この投稿を最初に評価してください.




著者: 外国為替Wikiチーム
私たちは経験豊富な外国為替トレーダーのチームです [2000-2023] 自分の思いどおりに人生を生きることに専念している人. 私たちの主な目的は、経済的自立と自由を獲得することです, そして私たちは自立可能なライフスタイルを実現する手段として、独学で外国為替市場での豊富な経験を積んできました。.