EAオートトレンドAI MT4 ( アップデート 10/2023 ) : 無料ダウンロード


EA Autotrend AI Review

The forex market, 通貨取引のための分散型世界市場, 1日の平均取引量は以上 $5 兆. この市場の不安定さと複雑さの中で, トレーダーは、より良い取引上の意思決定を支援できるツールを常に探しています。. EA Autotrend AI の導入, a grid trading system harnessing the power of Artificial Intelligence to optimize forex trading.

Understanding EA Autotrend AI:

The System’s Core:

At the heart of EA Autotrend AI lies its capacity to use Deep Learning algorithms and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). These allow the system to swiftly analyze vast amounts of market data and pinpoint high-potential trading opportunities.

バージョン: 1.73
7 ターミナル: MT4
ワーキングペア: ニュージーランドドルUSD, USDCAD, オーストラリアドル, AUDCAD, ニュージーランドドルCAD, and GBPCHF
推奨される期間: M5


EA Autotrend AI with any broker and any type of account, ただし、お客様には次のいずれかを使用することをお勧めします。 トップ外国為替ブローカー 以下にリストされています:

ブローカー名登録する設立年 本社あり てこの作用最低入金額 規制する
EA Autotrend AI MT4 ( Update 10/2023 ) : Free Download 2
1:1000$200ASIC, SCB, 金融庁
EA Autotrend AI MT4 ( Update 10/2023 ) : Free Download 3登録する2008
1:無制限$10CySEC, FCA, FSCA, 金融庁, BVI
EA Autotrend AI MT4 ( Update 10/2023 ) : Free Download 4登録する2009
EA Autotrend AI MT4 ( Update 10/2023 ) : Free Download 5登録する2009
EA Autotrend AI MT4 ( Update 10/2023 ) : Free Download 6登録する2009
🇦🇪 エミレーツ航空
1:1000$5 ASIC, CySEC , IFSC
EA Autotrend AI MT4 ( Update 10/2023 ) : Free Download 7登録する2010
1:500$200FCA , ASIC, DFSA
EA Autotrend AI MT4 ( Update 10/2023 ) : Free Download 8登録する2011
🇬🇧 イングランド
EA Autotrend AI MT4 ( Update 10/2023 ) : Free Download 9登録する2006

EA Autotrend AI Settings

EA Autotrend AI MT4 ( Update 10/2023 ) : Free Download 10

Digging Deeper: Trading Parameters and Customizations

MM & Risk Settings:

The system offers extensive parameters for lot sizing, from fixed lots to dynamic lots based on account balance or equity. There's a provision to check instances of the EA and ensure only one is running at a time. Other settings like maximum slippage, maximum spread, and allowed symbols at a time offer greater control to the trader.

時間 & Strategy Settings:

One can define specific hours for the EA to initiate trades, 選ぶ days of the week to trade, and even customize trading strategies and frequency. There's a provision for 機械学習 setup and forecast settings as well.

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テイクプロフィット & StopLoss Settings:

The system offers intricate controls for defining TakeProfit (TP) and StopLoss (SL) 設定. From defining TP for initial trades to hiding TP or SL, to enabling trailing stops, traders have a myriad of options at their disposal.

グリッド, ニュースフィルター & Stock Market Crash Filter Settings:

These settings allow the trader to define distances between grid trades, manage news events, or even set filters during potential stock market crashes.

You need to give the EA access to the news list website and time server for news filter and time detection functionality to work correctly (delete spaces!):

1. https: //www. worldtimeserver.com
2. http: //タイムズオンライン
3. http: //ヴァレリーサービス.com
4. http: //valerytools.com

Unique Features:

  • Utilizes trend, 勢い, and volatility filters derived from Deep Learning アルゴリズム.
  • Employs AI forecasts to eliminate low potential trades.
  • Advanced filters for news and potential stock market crashes.
  • Allows trading across multiple currency pairs with a one-chart setup.
  • Fully customizable with an array of filters and options.
  • A self-diagnostic system incorporated into the statistic panel, alongside a ニューラルネットワーク予測インジケーター.
  • Offers competitive pricing compared to other high-quality alternatives.

Setting up EA Autotrend AI:


  1. The EA should only be attached to an M5 chart, できればAUDCAD.
  2. In case your broker uses a suffix, update the symbol parameter accordingly.
  3. Allow the EA to access the required news list website and time server for optimal functionality.

Essential Requirements:

  • A quality ECN broker is recommended though the EA is not sensitive to spread or slippage.
  • Continual VPS running for the EA is crucial.
  • Proper leverage understanding and risk management, especially with varying account balances.

EA Autotrend AI Results

EA Autotrend AI MT4 ( Update 10/2023 ) : Free Download 11 EA Autotrend AI MT4 ( Update 10/2023 ) : Free Download 12

The robot backtest results are very promising. The robot has a very high profit factor of 1.93 and a very low maximum drawdown of 5.82%. This means that the robot is able to generate a lot of profits, even during periods of losses. The robot also has a very high win rate of 71.86%, which means that it is able to win more trades than it loses.

The robot's average loss is also very low at 26.52%, which means that the robot is able to limit its losses when it does lose trades. の robot's average profit per trade is also very high at 77 930.25, which means that the robot is able to generate a lot of profits from winning trades.

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全体, the robot backtest results are very impressive. The robot seems to be a very profitable and reliable trading system.

EA Autotrend AI MT4 ( Update 10/2023 ) : Free Download 13

Forex EA AI V1.73 MT4 shows promising results. It has a profitability of 221% and an equity of 7,907.63 米ドル. It has a maximum drawdown of 17.1% and a trading activity of 76.9%. The EA trades 99% long and has a 66% 勝率. It has a maximum deposit load of 3.8% and a loss rate of 34%. The EA was created by IceFX-Server and is currently being sold on the MetaTrader Market.

全体, the AI V1.73 MT4 EA is a promising Forex EA with good results. It has a high profitability, ある low maximum drawdown, and a high trading activity. It also has a high win rate and a low loss rate

EA Autotrend AI MT4 ( Update 10/2023 ) : Free Download 14


EA Autotrend AI represents a significant leap in forex trading systems, blending traditional trading strategies with cutting-edge AI technology. トレーダー向け, whether novice or experienced, this tool can prove invaluable in navigating the unpredictable waters of the forex market. The system's emphasis on user customization, combined with its AI-driven insights, makes it a promising ally in the pursuit of forex trading profitability.

Download EA Autotrend AI

少なくとも1週間は試してみてください XMデモ口座. また, これがどのように行われるかをよく理解し、理解してください 無料の外国為替ツールが機能します ライブアカウントで使用する前に.

1.09 MB




免責事項: すべての取引にはリスクが伴います. 自分で調査し、認可された金融専門家からアドバイスを求めることを検討することが重要です。 取引を行う前のアドバイザー 決断.



平均評価 0 / 5. 投票数: 0

これまでのところ投票はありません! この投稿を最初に評価してください.




著者: 外国為替Wikiチーム
私たちは経験豊富な外国為替トレーダーのチームです [2000-2023] 自分の思いどおりに人生を生きることに専念している人. 私たちの主な目的は、経済的自立と自由を獲得することです, そして私たちは自立可能なライフスタイルを実現する手段として、独学で外国為替市場での豊富な経験を積んできました。.