FxSanta EA – 無料版


FxSanta EA - Free Edition 1


FxSanta EA Description:


FxSanta EA - Free Edition 2


EA Good Santa is a scalper type automatic trading robot. Its strategy is based on averages and can be quite conservative, even allowing it to adjust its operations to a few trade a week, giving the possibility of operating with small capitals of up to $ 200. In addition to being provided with stop loss, take profit and trailing stop.

It can be used at any time, the operation will be the same. The recommended pairs are EURUSD, USDCHF and USDJPY. Although it can work in any currency pair.

You can configure up to 5 levels of trading to operate with different capitals and currency pairs. Although initially it is recommended to start with a low trading level and a single pair (ユーロドル).

GOOD SANTA for MT5 is an automated trading scalping system. All operations are automated — minimum settings. Maximum capacity.

You do not need to reflect on the eternal question of how to set up an Expert Advisor. Run the EA on an account, and it will do the rest.

Version for the МТ4 terminal: 経験値 - GOOD SANTA MT4

FxSanta EA - Free Edition 3

Recommended trading account:

  1. 推奨入金 LOW RISK の $ 1,000 with a minimum lot 0.01 3 通貨ペア (例えば, ユーロ米ドル米ドルDCHF米ドル円)
  2. 推奨入金 MEDIUM RISK の $ 300 with minimal lot 0.01 の上 1 通貨ペア (例えば, ユーロドル)
  3. 推奨入金 HIGH RISK の $ 100 with minimum lot 0.01 の上 1 通貨ペア (例えば, ユーロドル)
  4. ECN PRO, フローティングスプレッド, てこの作用 1: 300 and above


  1. Buy our advisor;
  2. Download to your terminal;
  3. Set on the chart of any currency pair (たとえばユーロドル);
  4. Turn on the Autotrade button and "Allow live trading";
  5. Do not change the settings. The advisor is automatic!
読む  日本BTC EA MT4 - 無料版


The Expert Advisor automatically adjusts to a selected currency pair!

You can adjust the level of complexity of the trading strategy "LevelTrade":

  1. EASY – fewer trades, less drawdown, more accurate entry.
  2. MEDIUM – the golden mean. A reasonable ratio of profitable trades and drawdown.
  3. HARD – many trades, risky drawdown, less accurate entry.
  4. CRAZY – trade level with a large number of trades in a small time interval with the use of martingale.

ブローカーの要件 :

ブローカー名登録する設立年 本社あり てこの作用最低入金額 規制する
FxSanta EA - Free Edition 4登録する2007
1:1000$200ASIC, SCB, 金融庁
FxSanta EA - Free Edition 5登録する2008
1:無制限$10CySEC, FCA, FSCA, 金融庁, BVI
FxSanta EA - Free Edition 6登録する2009
FxSanta EA - Free Edition 7登録する2009
FxSanta EA - Free Edition 8登録する2009
🇦🇪 エミレーツ航空
1:1000$5 ASIC, CySEC , IFSC
FxSanta EA - Free Edition 9登録する2010
1:500$200FCA , ASIC, DFSA
FxSanta EA - Free Edition 10登録する2011
🇬🇧 イングランド
FxSanta EA - Free Edition 11登録する2006

FxSanta EA Settings:

FxSanta EA - Free Edition 12

  • Trading strategy – scalping with averaging elements, ストップロス, そしてトレーリングストップ.
  • The number of trades per month - depending on your broker's quoting speed: から 10 に 10000.
  • Recommended conditions - floating spread.
  • 推奨入金 - から 100 USD per 0.01 たくさん. 推奨 - $1000.
  • おすすめの通貨ペア - どれでも. Preferably – flat.
  • TF - does not matter.

The EA is not intended for the tester! Its operation is based on the fast price movement, which is not possible in the strategy tester.


  1. Before purchasing, please download the demo version and attach it to a demo or real account with USDJPY. Check the performance capabilities of the system on your broker's server.
  2. The EA works not on all brokers! It depends on the speed of quotes in the terminal. You can download the demo version.
  3. The EA does not work on accounts with commissions. A commission can eat up the whole profit. The zero spread is prohibited for the system.
  4. The EA is tested on a floating spread. The system can work incorrectly on fixed spread!
  5. The tester has a fixed spread. それで, tester and real trading results may differ.
  6. The EA operation is based on spread increase or decrease, as well as quote rate. したがって, the results may be different at different brokers.
  7. The EA uses averaging and stop loss. Averaging triggers in every 50 spreads from the previous position. Stop loss = 250 スプレッド.
  8. This is a scalper EA: trades may be closed within the range of 1 - 8 888 888 888 ピップス.
  9. 推奨入金: minimum of $100 あたり 0.01, but we recommend $1,000 あたり 0.01 たくさん.
  10. While testing the EA on your broker's server, make sure that your deposit can withstand the average annual symbol price movement.
  11. Re-invest your funds, withdraw your profits in time, and manage your money.
  12. Forex is a risky business. Make sure to learn the basics before you start trading.
  13. EAは完全に自動化されています.
  14. A small deposit leads to a huge drawdown.
  15. Today's profits do not guarantee future ones. Forex is unpredictable.
  16. While suffering a loss today, you may make a profit later.
読む  ゴールドウイングトレーディングロボットMT4 - 無料ダウンロード版

FxSanta EA Results:


FxSanta EA - Free Edition 13

Download FxSanta EA :



[+ForexWikiTrading.com]EA GOOD SANTA







平均評価 1 / 5. 投票数: 1

これまでのところ投票はありません! この投稿を最初に評価してください.




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