- 7月 19, 2022
- 投稿者: 外国為替Wikiチーム
- カテゴリー: 無料の外国為替EA
Railroad Pattern Forex Robot Review
Railroad Pattern Forex Robot this night scalper sets criteria for starting orders utilizing sophisticated algorithms, 指標, ローソク足パターンと. オープンオーダーではマーチンゲールが使用されず、常にストップロスとテイクプロフィットが伴います。.
The Railroad Pattern Forex Robot works with any broker and any type of account, ただし、お客様には次のいずれかを使用することをお勧めします。 トップ外国為替ブローカー 以下にリストされています: 私
EA Setting
ターミナル | MT4 |
通貨ペア | ポンドドル, ポンド円, USDCHF, ユーロフラン, ユーロウド |
時間枠 | M5 |
お金の管理 | 少なくとも 100 通貨単位 |
The backtest was conducted using default settings and with high risks set, and the set file was linked to the adviser's archive. The test outcome reveals highly promising findings.
The EA displays incredible results in testing; I'd love to see results similar to these on a real account, but something tells me that results will be significantly worse because the EA executes trades right when the spread begins to widen on real accounts, and I've had bitter experience working with night scalpers who produce impressive results in back testing but begin losing money in live trading.
To test the adviser, we only need a small deposit of $50 for one currency pair, with a fixed lot of 0.01 set in the adviser settings. 一方で, the adviser has TP and sl for the security of each transaction and the average profit indicator varies about 5 ポイント, which is not quite small, and in theory, it can work.
Remember that this EA needs specific requirements, including a VPS with low latency (20MS), the ability to utilize the EA with ECN accounts or Raw Spread, and the ability to activate hedging.
さらに, I reviewed the user evaluations and comments on the official EA page, and the majority of people seem to think well of him. The fact that you can start with a small deposit is also undoubtedly satisfying because you do not need to purchase this adviser; instead, you simply need to download and install it correctly. This reduces costs and ensures that even if the adviser does not function properly, we will only lose $50. I strongly advise testing this adviser with this amount, but I still wish for everyone to profit from it.
Railroad Pattern Forex Robot Free Download
We highly recommend trying the Railroad Pattern Forex Robot for at least a week with ICMarket デモ口座. また, ライブアカウントで使用する前に、このシステムがどのように機能するかをよく理解し、理解してください。.