スマートAIスキャルパーEA – 無料版


#1 Scalping Algorithm

Our target is to provide beginner a TRULY easy to use and “let me do the job” MT4 robot. 駐車場, リスク管理, 自動取引, 自動印刷マネー!

Smart AI Scalper EA - Free Version 1


スマート AI スキャルパー EA の説明 :

-[価値 $399]

Proven Track Records

You will be surprise how our scalper work out to be truly easy to setup, while making consistant profits!

3k+ users are making profits right now.
When’s your turn?


Vision Scalper EA is a fully automated forex robot usually being sold for 299$. This Free forex EA works based on various indicators, 移動平均, stochastic, 等々. It can trade on 28 ペア.

Vision Scalper free forex robot can only be installed on EURUSD and H1 TimeFrame, but it will only trade on those pairs specified in the settings. This EA has been programmed to provide 80-110% 一ヶ月.

Please test in a demo account first for at least a week. また, Make yourself familiar and understand how Vision Scalper Robot works, then only use it in a real account.


  • Work best on Enable Major pairs first, then only minor pairs.(任意のペアで作業します)
  • Work best on 上半期の期間
Smart AI Scalper EA - Free Version 2
  • To reach stable results, the Vision Scalper EA should work 24/7. So we Recommend running this free forex EA on a VPS

ブローカーの要件 :

ブローカー名登録する設立年 本社あり てこの作用最低入金額 規制する
Smart AI Scalper EA - Free Version 3登録する2007
1:1000$200ASIC, SCB, 金融庁
Smart AI Scalper EA - Free Version 4登録する2008
1:無制限$10CySEC, FCA, FSCA, 金融庁, BVI
Smart AI Scalper EA - Free Version 5登録する2009
Smart AI Scalper EA - Free Version 6登録する2009
Smart AI Scalper EA - Free Version 7登録する2009
🇦🇪 エミレーツ航空
1:1000$5 ASIC, CySEC , IFSC
Smart AI Scalper EA - Free Version 8登録する2010
1:500$200FCA , ASIC, DFSA
Smart AI Scalper EA - Free Version 9登録する2011
🇬🇧 イングランド
Smart AI Scalper EA - Free Version 10登録する2006
読む  Fx Stress EA - 無料版

Smart AI Scalper EA Settings:

Smart AI Scalper EA - Free Version 11
  • マジックナンバー: Use any lucky number.
  • 初期ロット: Recommend to leave this as 0.01. If you have high balance, switch “Auto Lot” on and we’ll calculate for you.
  • Lot Setting: Fixed Lot = use initial lot; Auto Lot = we’ll calculate the lot for you. Recommend to switch to Auto Lot.
  • 利食い: Take profit amount in pips. Recommend to leave this as default (30 ピップス). If you wanted safer & quicker exit, use lower pips like 5pips / 10ピップス
  • Trading Mode: Stable Mode = Lesser trades open, takes longer time before a trade close in profit. Turbo Mode = More trades open, quicker trade closes but also higher risks. Recommend to use “Stable Mode”.
  • Martingale Mode: Default is set to “true”. Please decide whether to use martingale or not depending on your balance available.
  • Trade Open Speed: Slow – Accurate = Lesser but more accurate trades. (推奨) Moderate – Less Accurate = Moderate trade opens, quite accurate. Fast – Least Accurate = Open trades fast, but very high risks!
  • Risk Mode: 3 Main mode. Please choose the one that suits you. We recommend to leave this to “No Risk Management” if you have enough balance.
  • 1 st Mode: When lost reaches %, clear all trades, restart EA. This mode apply to ALL CURRENCY PAIRS. When your account balance drops to %, it will clear ALL OPEN TRADES that you have.
  • 2 nd Mode: When currencies reaches addon orders, clear all that currency. This mode apply to SPECIFIC CURRENCY PAIRS only. 例: You have 3 currency pairs open right now, ユーロドル, AUDCAD, ユーロ円. My setting is “When currencies reaches 5 addon orders, clear all that currency”. AUDCAD and EURJPY is at 2 addon orders, EURUSD is at 4 addon orders. The moment EURUSD reaches 5 addon orders, ONLY EURUSD trades will be closed, while AUDCAD and EURJPY will remain OPEN.
  • 3 rd Mode: When currencies reaches addon orders, stop adding orders. This mode will apply to SPECIFIC CURRENCY PAIRS only. 例: You have 3 currency pairs open right now, ユーロドル, AUDCAD, ユーロ円. My setting is “When currencies reaches 5 addon orders, stop adding orders”. AUDCAD and EURJPY is at 2 addon orders, EURUSD is at 5 addon orders. The moment EURUSD reaches 5 addon orders, it WILL NOT open any more orders. It will wait for the market to recover and close in profit.
  • Restart EA after Stop Loss?: This is related to the previous setting. You can choose to continue trades immediately or wait for hours before starting to trade again.
  • Maximum Active Currency Pairs: Number of different currency pairs you wanted to trade. Default = 28, you can set to different number according to your balance.
  • Currency Pairs Setting: “All Currencies” must set to “Allow Trades” if you want to trade. Change any of the currency pairs to “Close all trades immediately, stop trading” if you want to disable that currency pair. “Stop after profit locked” is useful when you have that particular pairs trades open. 例: My EURUSD is open now, but I wish to close it after it makes profit. I edit the EA setting, change EURUSD to “Stop after profit locked”, so it won’t open trades anymore after it’s closed.
読む  ハンター スカルパー 外国為替ロボット

Trade Multiple Currency in ONE CHART

Choose what you want to trade.

Smart AI Scalper EA - Free Version 12


Choose your risk level, risk what you can risk.

Smart AI Scalper EA - Free Version 13
Smart AI Scalper EA - Free Version 14
Smart AI Scalper EA - Free Version 15


Result Smart AI Scalper EA :

Smart AI Scalper EA - Free Version 16

Smart AI Scalper EA - Free Version 17

Download Result Smart AI Scalper :




平均評価 2.5 / 5. 投票数: 2

これまでのところ投票はありません! この投稿を最初に評価してください.




著者: 外国為替Wikiチーム
私たちは経験豊富な外国為替トレーダーのチームです [2000-2023] 自分の思いどおりに人生を生きることに専念している人. 私たちの主な目的は、経済的自立と自由を獲得することです, そして私たちは自立可能なライフスタイルを実現する手段として、独学で外国為替市場での豊富な経験を積んできました。.