ファンダメンタル取引は常にテクニカル取引に勝る 100%


どのようなセンチメントが市場を動かしているのかを知るよりも、純粋にテクニカルに特化している人がいかに多いかを素晴らしいと感じたので、これを共有しようと思っただけです。. The rationale why retail merchants lose cash is as a result of they don't seem to be crusing their trades in the identical path as the large establishments.

The large establishments solely use technicals for level of entry or to shut a commerce. They might by no means use technical indicators to run a commerce as they're buying and selling billions on behalf of their purchasers.

I take advantage of an expert information feed referred to as Ransquawk which lets me know the sentiment of the market therefore why more often than not I'm on the profitable finish of my trades.

I've made 100's of pips in minutes buying and selling central financial institution minutes launch, speeches, and even simply prompt information releases as a result of listening to the sqauwk by way of ransquawk.

An instance of robust sentiment may be seen on GBP/CAD. GBP has been killing CAD for weeks as a result of the pound is bullish as a result of BOE indicating they are going to hike charges this yr once more. The CAD has been tremendous weak as a result of NAFTA commerce talks with USA haven't gone of their favour and if deal doesn't materialise then it's going to hurt the Canadian economic system. So that is principally STRONG VS WEAK SENTIMENT CURRENCY = PIPS!!!

You may see on this video how a gentleman made 50ok in minutes throughout the entire Greece saga as a result of he knew the place to get in -


Foreign exchange markets are primarily pushed by central banks and geopolitical issues. For instance if a central financial institution signifies they will hike then that foreign money will rally for weeks till the rate of interest is launched. If there's information of them reducing charges then the foreign money will turn into bearish.

My recommendation is if you wish to be buying and selling in the identical path as the large establishments then concentrate on the basics and never technicals. Technicals ought to solely account for 20% of your buying and selling.

Thanks for studying and please make sure share your views.

Right here is an instance of my eur/nok commerce as you'll be able to see i revamped 90 pips inside 15 minutes and that is as a result of I heard by way of the squawk that the nok central financial institution deliberate to hike their rates of interest in 2018 (予め 2019). This information triggered the market to go loopy and I went in tremendous huge as I knew the rally would occur doubtless.

Technicals may by no means information you or predict you to a commerce likes this. Solely the dwell fundamentals can.

If you wish to become profitable and never be within the class of the 90% that lose cash then get with the basics and save your self the heartache.

コネクテッド・ピクチャーズ (クリックして拡大)



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著者: 外国為替ウィキチーム
私たちは経験豊富な外国為替トレーダーのチームです [2000-2023] 自分の思いどおりに人生を生きることに専念している人. 私たちの主な目的は、経済的自立と自由を獲得することです, 私たちは自立可能なライフスタイルを実現する手段として、独学で外国為替市場での豊富な経験を積んできました。.