ボリンジャースクイーズ (TBS) ストラテジー


みなさんこんにちは, ボリンジャー スクイーズ戦略をご紹介できることを大変うれしく思います (TBS) あなたへ.

I've seen among the indicators we're going to use for this technique used elsewhere for buying and selling. それにもかかわらず, 完全なバンドルです, これは、価値のある金融市場の売買に関して優れた手段となる可能性があります。.
This Strategy is derived from the data of three indicators. Bollinger band, Bollinger Bandwidth and the Stochastic oscillator. The three indicators should all affirm our commerce sign. So to have a legitimate sign, three circumstances should be met.

Condtion 1: Touching Higher/Decrease Bollinger Band
When costs reaches a excessive degree they are going to contact the higher band. When costs reaches decrease ranges, they are going to contact the decrease band. So to have a legitimate commerce, costs should contact both the higher or decrease band.

接続された画像 (クリックして拡大)

Situation 2: Bollinger Bandwidth measured by the Bandwidth Indicator
The bandwidth is the distinction (穴) between the higher band and the decrease band.
This Bandwidth indicator takes the present Width of the Bollinger Bands and compares it to the Most and Minimal Width of the Bands over N durations
If the calculated share is lower than or equal to X P.c (which we are going to specify), then the histogram reveals yellow. If the calculated share is larger than the X P.c, then the histogram reveals Purple.
This works out properly to rapidly see if the foreign money pair is ranging (黄色) and if it has damaged out of vary (紫)
To have a legitimate commerce, the bandwidth indicator should be Yellow which implies costs are contained inside a decent vary. This give us the chance to have the ability to commerce contained in the band choosing prime and backside of the vary with the assistance of the Stochastic indicator.

接続された画像 (クリックして拡大)
Click to Enlarge Name: Screenshot3.png Size: 198 KB

Situation 3: ストキャスティクス オシレーター
Stochastic indicator normally has two horizontal traces, one at 20 and one at 80. の 20 line is named the oversold degree and the 80 line is known as overbought degree. To have a legitimate BUY sign, stochastic should have been within the oversold territory and crossing the 20 line upward. To have a legitimate SELL sign, Stochastic should have been within the overbought territory and crossing the 80 line downward.

接続された画像 (クリックして拡大)
Click to Enlarge Name: Screenshot4.png Size: 202 KB

Placing it collectively For a BUY Sign
As soon as value has contact the decrease band, you'll test the Bandwidth indicator. The Bandwidth indicator should reveals that the value is in a variety (Yellow Color), You'll then await Stochastic to substantiate the commerce. Stochastic indicator should cross the 20 line upward from the oversold territory.

Placing it collectively For a SELL Sign
As soon as costs has contact the higher band, you'll test the Bandwidth indicator. The Bandwidth indicator should reveals that the value is in a variety (Yellow Color), You'll then await Stochastic to substantiate the commerce. Stochastic indicator should cross the 80 line downward from the overbought territory.

接続された画像 (クリックして拡大)
Click to Enlarge Name: Screenshot5.png Size: 290 KB

In Summarry

接続された画像 (クリックして拡大)
Click to Enlarge Name: Screenshot6.png Size: 182 KB

The three indicators required are Bollinger Band (Included in Metatrader), Bollinger Bandwith (customized indicator, 接続されています), and Stochastic Oscillator (Included in Metatrader). Listed below are the settings:

Bollinger Band
Interval – 20 , Shift – 0, Deviation – 2, 設定 to ‘shut’

Bollinger Bandwidth
Interval – 20 , Shift – 0, Deviation – 2, Width Calculation Interval – 100
Min Vary P.c – 20

%Ok interval - 9, discover it under:
%D interval - 3
遅くなる - 3
Worth discipline - Low/Excessive
MA methodology - 簡単

The Bandwidth indicator and the template connected.


If you'll wish to see a video clarification of the technique, right here it's:


And eventually, an instance of a commerce taken utilizing this technique, right here it's:


You possibly can ask any query or feedback both right here on this discussion board or on the YouTube web page.
Completely happy buying and selling.



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著者: 外国為替ウィキチーム
私たちは経験豊富な外国為替トレーダーのチームです [2000-2023] 自分の思いどおりに人生を生きることに専念している人. 私たちの主な目的は、経済的自立と自由を獲得することです, 私たちは自立可能なライフスタイルを実現する手段として、独学で外国為替市場での豊富な経験を積んできました。.