Trading Semi-Circles Intuitively..

Easy Guidelines:
  1. Simply be good and sort with others.
  2. IF you wanna share a view, assist it with a chart.


  1. See chart att..
  2. Watch for semi-circles (like heads) and commerce them.


  1. Watch for NY morning on Mondays
  2. Commerce Extremely-light on Fridays.
  3. Strive to not commerce EU or Cable earlier than 10:00 London time, earliest could be 07:00 am London time


  1. If you're not feeling properly, don't commerce, if its compulsive, commerce gentle.
  2. Don't commerce if you're drunk.
  3. If you're vegetarian, take enough B6 n B12 from multi nutritional vitamins and so forth.

Non secular Angle for self-discipline and persistence:
I counsel simply attempt your finest to not commit any lethal sin (I like Catholic model) and meditate (Yoga) for self management.

My Advise:

  1. Don't make investments greater than you'll be able to afford to lose
Connected Picture (click on to enlarge)
Good Meals + Train is the Key to Life!



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著者: 外国為替Wikiチーム
私たちは経験豊富な外国為替トレーダーのチームです [2000-2023] 自分の思いどおりに人生を生きることに専念している人. 私たちの主な目的は、経済的自立と自由を獲得することです, そして私たちは自立可能なライフスタイルを実現する手段として、独学で外国為替市場での豊富な経験を積んできました。.