외환 트레이딩을 위한 Rekon-X 자동 봇 전문가 자문 [NZDUSD 결과]


모두들 안녕,

지금까지 나를 입양한 친구들에게 좋은 소식 하나 (10 플러스 년), I've lastly compiled all my buying and selling methods for foreign exchange in a single Exper Advisor and that is completely free for testing.

곧 추가 세부사항을 공유할 수 있습니다..

Please be at liberty to obtain and check Rekon-X EURUSD Autobot posted right here. 알아채다, It's possible you'll must replace the buying and selling instances for purchase and sells as per the most recent development and time collection evaluation.

Let's begin with the most recent consequence set for varied foreign money pairs, I'm posting few, in case you need to test for another pair, be at liberty to put up!


I can be sharing the EA earlier than USA open this Friday. Presently it's foreign money pair particular, so I'll make it common, it may be use on any pair.

There can be lot of enter parameters, this can be a draw back for first time set up, however I need consumer to customise it in most doable approach. 주로, I don't need to put lot of hidden layers of buying and selling strategies on it.

사례, establishing buying and selling time, order kind, lot dimension, revenue marzin, cease loss and so on.

Will put up intimately whereas distributing the system.

It's for mt5 solely and I do not assume we would want a mt4 model.

I'm not going to connect the file right here, moderately it is going to be distributed privately however everyone seems to be welcome to put up the observations right here.

I do perceive not everybody goes to love every little thing, however let's be constructive and channalise the constructive vitality.

Be at liberty to put up your strategies of buying and selling and expections at the moment. Take care.

NZDUSD End result:

연결된 그림 (확대하려면 클릭)


연결된 그림 (확대하려면 클릭)
Click to Enlarge

Name: Screenshot2.png
Size: 127 KB


연결된 그림 (확대하려면 클릭)
Click to Enlarge

Name: Screenshot3.png
Size: 73 KB
Right here is the look from my stay account with Bots deployed on 9 Main/Minor foreign money pairs.
연결된 그림 (확대하려면 클릭)
Click to Enlarge

Name: Screenshot1.png
Size: 240 KB
Please be at liberty to obtain the RekonX-EURUSD buying and selling autobot public launch v 1.00.

Listed here are the issues it is advisable to do to set this up and working.

ㅏ. Meta Dealer 5
비. MQL5 Folder -> Consultants -> Place the BOT (.Ex5)
씨. MQL5 Folder -> Recordsdata -> Place buying and selling directions information - EU_RekonX-Buy_1, EU_RekonX-Sell_1
디. MQL5 Folder -> embrace -> Commerce -> Substitute the information

Hope this works! Discussion board is now Open for your discussions!

연결된 파일
File Type: zip RekonX-EURUSD-AutoBot.zip 141 KB | 139 다운로드

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평균 평점 1 / 5. 투표수: 1

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작가: 외환 위키 팀
우리는 경험이 풍부한 Forex 트레이더 팀입니다. [2000-2023] 우리 자신의 조건에 따라 삶을 살기 위해 헌신하는 사람들. 우리의 주요 목표는 재정적 독립과 자유를 얻는 것입니다., 우리는 자기 교육을 추구하고 Forex 시장에서 자립 가능한 라이프 스타일을 달성하기 위한 수단으로 광범위한 경험을 얻었습니다..