GR_PRO 2.0 EA Gain + 1200% Monthly


EXPERT ADVISOR GR_PRO 2.0 (versatile revenue)
I'll share the EA created by me. You should use it for FT or BT, actual account or demo.
You possibly can customise the enter knowledge primarily based on the commerce you need.
You possibly can plan your commerce primarily based on the capital you employ. Brief-term or long-term buying and selling.
This EA makes use of martingale and hedge system.
Out there just for normal and cent account sorts.
Accepted for sort 4 decimal and 5 decimal.
Minimal base capital 100.00
It's the lot dimension entered for the primary place order.

이익 실현.
EA will modify the TP level to BreakEven level + (TP enter) each time he enters the commerce.

it's the subsequent step place.
first step = PipStarter / 5.
second step = 2 * PipStarter / 5.
third step and so forth = PipStarter.

The multiplier.EA worth will multiply lot for the subsequent layer primarily based on this enter.
(Tons * Multiplier = second lot place order).
(second lot place order * Multipiler = third lot place order)
and so forth till EA shut TP.

Identifier act just like the license plates for EAs.
When an knowledgeable advisor reads an open commerce, referred to as a ticket, it typically requests its magic quantity.
If the MagicNumber of the ticket matches the quantity that the knowledgeable advisor expects, then it is aware of to handle the commerce.

읽다  EA Power Magic MiX With Profit + 340% Monthly

it's for show on the chart.
(true = sure) (false = no).
Free Model Expire on 2019.04.01


GR_PRO 2.0 EA Gain + 1200% Monthly 1

GR_PRO 2.0 EA Gain + 1200% Monthly 2

GR_PRO 2.0 EA Gain + 1200% Monthly 30

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평균 평점 0 / 5. 투표수: 0

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작가: 외환 위키 팀
우리는 경험이 풍부한 외환 트레이더들로 구성된 팀입니다 [2000-2023] 우리 자신의 조건에 따라 삶을 살기 위해 헌신하는 사람들. 우리의 주요 목표는 재정적 독립과 자유를 얻는 것입니다., 우리는 자립 가능한 라이프 스타일을 달성하기 위한 수단으로 독학을 추구하고 외환 시장에서 풍부한 경험을 얻었습니다..