Very nice, simple and profitable strategy!

Hello all foreign exchange merchants and EA programmersVery nice, simple and profitable strategy! 1

I stepped on very good technique simple, 유리한, cellular pleasant and doesn't require full time buying and selling (what else extra you would like for than that?!) on this thread:, and I'm utilizing it from whereas and can let you know its properly profitable, so I opened this thread wishing coders to step in and create good EA that might be free for everybody and we are able to enhance it collectively, please look in technique thread and right here is my particulars for the EA required:

1. solely Make the EA to satisfy situations of the best engulf candle which as follows:

for purchase, engulf sample ought to be ideally suited solely as follows:

ㅏ. 2nd candle open value is similar or decrease the shut of earlier candle
비. 2nd candle low is similar or decrease than low of earlier candle
씨. 2nd candle shut value is larger than open of earlier candle
디. 2nd candle excessive is larger than excessive or earlier candle

For promote: reverse of purchase situations

2. Take revenue: selected from mounted factors or threat to reward ratio ( selected from 1:1, 2:1 또는 1:2)

3. Break even: on/off, and should be +1 pip from entry, activated after sure pips

4. 손실 중지: both A. mounted: under engulf candle low by variety of pips (adjustable) in promote (visa versa in purchase) or B. no cease loss however exit instantly if subsequent candle closed under the low of entry engulfing candle

엄마: can alter all parameters

필터: (may be turned off each)

1. candles above MA, solely take purchase orders and vise versa
2. Stochastic indicator with default parameters, to not take promote indicators under 20 or purchase indicators above 80

연결된 그림
Very nice, simple and profitable strategy! 2

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평균 평점 0 / 5. 투표수: 0

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작가: 외환 위키 팀
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