Auto Trading Button System MT4 – 무료 다운로드


Hello everyone, I would like to share a new Auto Trading Button System with you. Please let me know if you find any errors or bugs.

I tested this script using the Real ICMarket account. It may not be compatible with other accounts and brokers, but the code can be easily modified as I have included *.mq4 files.

The zip file contains four folders:

1. CloseAndBreakevenLayer - not my own code, but I included it as it's useful
2. OpenManyLayer - this is mine
3. OpenOneLayer - this is mine
4. OpenOneLayerAndModifyOtherLayer - this is mine

I hope the folder names make it easy to understand what each script does. I will not go into further detail about the script's functionality as it's best to test it on a demo account first to understand what it does.

All scripts are set by default to use Money Management (MM) settings, which sets up trades based on percentage risk lots and percentage take profit of the current account balance and equity. As your account balance and equity grow, the real Lots also increase, and the real profit in dollars ($) also increases. Stoploss (S/L) is disabled by default.

I also created a button on the chart to simplify one-click trade operations.


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최고의 중개인 목록

The Auto Trading Button System works with any broker and any type of account, 하지만 우리는 고객이 다음 중 하나를 사용하도록 권장합니다. 최고의 외환 중개인 아래에 나열된:

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브로커 이름등록하다창립연도 본사 영향력최소 입금액 규제
Auto Trading Button System MT4 - Free Download 4등록하다2007
🇦🇺 호주
🇨🇾 키프로스
🇧🇸 바하마
🇸🇿 세이셸
1:1000$200ASIC, SCB, FSA
Auto Trading Button System MT4 - Free Download 5등록하다2008
🇨🇾 키프로스
1:제한 없는$10사이섹, FCA, FSCA, FSA, BVI
Auto Trading Button System MT4 - Free Download 6등록하다2009
🇧🇿 벨리즈
Auto Trading Button System MT4 - Free Download 7등록하다2009
🇧🇿 벨리즈
Auto Trading Button System MT4 - Free Download 8등록하다2009
🇨🇾 키프로스
🇦🇺 호주
🇧🇿 벨리즈
🇦🇪 에미레이트 항공
1:1000$5 ASIC, 사이섹 , IFSC
Auto Trading Button System MT4 - Free Download 9등록하다2010
🇦🇺 호주
1:500$200FCA , ASIC, DFSA
Auto Trading Button System MT4 - Free Download 10등록하다2011
🇬🇧 영국
Auto Trading Button System MT4 - Free Download 11등록하다2006
🇪🇭 아일랜드

Auto Trading Button Setting

Auto Trading Button System MT4 - Free Download 12

My current favorite script that I use for trading is as follows:

For Up Trend
_Buy_TP1v3@market (open a buy trade and set all trade T/P=profit % , clear S/L=0)
_Sell_TP1v4@market (open a sell trade and set all trade sell S/L == T/P (trade buy) , and clear trade sell T/P=0)
버전 4 open opposite trade and will resulted trade sell in loss and trade buy in profit and exited at the same time.
_Buy_TP1v5@market (open a buy trade and set all trade sell S/L == T/P (trade buy) , and clear trade sell T/P=0)
버전 5 will resulted trade sell in loss and trade buy in profit and exited at the same time.

For Down Trend
_Sell_TP1v3@market (open a sell trade and set all trade T/P=profit % , clear S/L=0)
_Buy_TP1v4@market (open a buy trade and set all trade buy S/L == T/P (trade sell) , and clear trade buy T/P=0)
버전 4 open opposite trade and will resulted trade buy in loss and trade sell in profit and exited at the same time.
_Sell_TP1v5@market (open a sell trade and set all trade buy S/L == T/P (trade sell) , and clear trade buy T/P=0)
버전 5 will resulted trade buy in loss and trade sell in profit and exited at the same time.

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For Sideway
this will open both way a trade sell and buy at the same time but have different T/P and will resulted both exited trade at a different time.

That's all. All the best Auto Trading Button System MT4 - Free Download 13

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Auto Trading Button System MT4 - Free Download 14

Extra Indicators - you will know exactly how much profit percentage % in dollar $ and how big is the real percentage lot.

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Auto Trading Button System MT4 - Free Download 15

Set Hotkeys for faster trade executions

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Auto Trading Button Free Download

We highly recommend trying the Auto Trading Button EA with ICMarket 데모 계정. 또한, 실제 계정에서 사용하기 전에 이 시스템이 어떻게 작동하는지 숙지하고 이해하십시오..

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평가하려면 별표를 클릭하세요.!

평균 평점 5 / 5. 투표수: 1

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