Experimentswhile waiting for an order to get closed

A form of an experiment, however utilizing tradestation this time ...
It makes use of nonlag ma (with an choice to have common or double smoothed non-lag ma) as a foundation to calculate one thing that we are able to describe as an "estimate of a pattern". At a primary look it appears to be usable - additional testing wanted although
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Only one little indicator.
여기 "DMA" indicator that calculates "DMA" (the identical factor as dema however this one may be utilized to sma, 에마, smma and lwma as an alternative of simply ema) - the concept is discovered within the paper
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It's also exhibiting that if metatrader 5 code is used because it ought to (with out makes an attempt to have metatrader 4 equivalents) the code is far less complicated and far quicker then the code that's beginning to float round (and which is difficult to suggest to anyone to use). Possibly folks want some easy examples, and that is one easy instance how some issues may be accomplished utilizing metatrader 5 with out making over sophisticated (즉: the extra sophisticated, the extra probability the error will occur) code

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평균 평점 0 / 5. 투표수: 0

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작가: 외환 위키 팀
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