Stop Searching for the ‘Holy Grail’, work on yourself!


Many Foreign exchange merchants, at one level or the different, believed in and searched for the 'Holy Grail' of Foreign currency trading. A very good quantity are nonetheless looking out. In some way, the 'Holy Grail' is elusive and the search for it, usually, a pipe dream.
Stop Searching for the 'Holy Grail', work on yourself! 1

Indicators could assist, however the 'Holy Grail' could also be how you employ them. Two completely different merchants could use the similar set of indicators: One dealer could hit wealth with them, the different could finish in ruination.
Stop Searching for the 'Holy Grail', work on yourself! 2
Newbies to Foreign exchange boards, together with myself a number of years again, usually requested which indicator or set of indicators explicit discussion board members put on their charts. You might even learn on discussion board threads the place members ask, 'Which Transferring Common settings' are on sure charts. However actually, such merchants could fare higher by asking, 'How do you employ the Transferring Averages on your chart?' In reality, any discussion board member could also be higher helped in the event that they ask, 'How do you employ the indicators on your chart?' fairly than asking which indicator settings.

Extra importantly, fairly than looking out for a failure-proof indicator, or hopping from one indicator or system to the different, it's higher for long-term and constant buying and selling success that any Foreign exchange dealer work on their buying and selling talent, buying and selling fashion and buying and selling self-discipline.

This thread is targeted on buying and selling concepts, assets, analyses and knowledge that would assist us all turn out to be higher merchants with emphasis on steady enchancment of buying and selling talent, buying and selling fashion and buying and selling self-discipline. For my part, being a grasp of your buying and selling fashion, enhancing and honing profitable buying and selling abilities, and matching it with stable buying and selling self-discipline that offers you an edge are central to your long-term success in the Foreign currency trading enterprise. Members who share my sentiments or who really feel they've one thing of worth to contribute in the direction of this finish are welcome.

Contributors could publish about how they commerce and the way they use the indicators they commerce with however they need to not promote any system, indicator or indicator settings right here. 와는 별개로, contributors could share buying and selling concepts, assets, expertise or info that assist construct worthwhile buying and selling talent and stable buying and selling self-discipline. They might additionally publish on how altering their buying and selling types have made them higher merchants.

Key Guidelines:
Contributors to this thread ought to:
1. Uphold FF code of ethics, notably being respectful and civil; 그리고
2. Focus their posts on being priceless members of the FF neighborhood fairly than selling themselves or any hidden agenda.

People who come right here with an aura of self-importance and attempt to put down different contributors shall be sanctioned.

Commerce secure and prosper.

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작가: 외환 위키 팀
우리는 경험이 풍부한 Forex 트레이더 팀입니다. [2000-2023] 우리 자신의 조건에 따라 삶을 살기 위해 헌신하는 사람들. 우리의 주요 목표는 재정적 독립과 자유를 얻는 것입니다., 우리는 자기 교육을 추구하고 Forex 시장에서 자립 가능한 라이프 스타일을 달성하기 위한 수단으로 광범위한 경험을 얻었습니다..