스윙 시스템 2020 – 무료 버전


Swing System 2020 - Free Edition 1

안녕하세요 외환 위키 친구들,

스윙 시스템 2020 설명:

Swing System 2020 - Free Edition 2

VVIP 수익 창출자 (킹 오브 핍스) 버전 스윙 시스템 (2020) 지표는 폐쇄형 코드 추세 지표입니다.. What its rendering is based on is anyone's guess.
차트에서, 표시기는 빨간색 양초 세트를 나타냅니다. (약세 시장 심리), 파란 양초 세트 (낙관적인 시장 심리) and undefined areas with white candles. After a series of white candles, a blue candle appears and a blue up arrow indicates a buy signal). If a red candlestick and a pink downward arrow appear - a sell signal.

Swing System 2020 - Free Edition 3

Trading platform: 메타 트레이더 4
Trading instruments: any currency pairs (preferably EURUSD)
기간: M30 및 H1 (any trading session)

브로커 요구 사항 :

브로커 이름등록하다창립연도 본사 영향력최소 입금액 규제
Swing System 2020 - Free Edition 4등록하다2007
🇦🇺 호주
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🇧🇸 바하마
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1:1000$200ASIC, SCB, FSA
Swing System 2020 - Free Edition 5등록하다2008
🇨🇾 키프로스
1:제한 없는$10사이섹, FCA, FSCA, FSA, BVI
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🇧🇿 벨리즈
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🇨🇾 키프로스
🇦🇺 호주
🇧🇿 벨리즈
🇦🇪 에미레이트 항공
1:1000$5 ASIC, 사이섹 , IFSC
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🇦🇺 호주
1:500$200FCA , ASIC, DFSA
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In the indicator settings, only the alert displays are displayed - turn on or off, sound, pop-up window.

Purchase rules:

Entrance to the purchase - if a blue candle and a blue arrow appear;
Exit a purchase - if the color of the candle changes to white or red.
The second exit option (according to the author's strategy) is a take profit of 40 핍 (400 핍), a stop loss is manual closing when the candlestick color changes.


Swing System 2020 - Free Edition 12

Selling rules:

Sell ​​entry - if a red candlestick and a pink arrow appear;
Exit from the sale - if the color of the candle has changed to white or red, 또는 40 pips take (400 핍)

Swing System 2020 - Free Edition 13

After reviewing the VVIP PROFITMAKER indicator on history, as well as visualizing its work in the strategy tester, no redrawings were noticed. It is better to use the recommended timeframes for trading - М30 and Н1. On the basis of this indicator, it is quite possible to build your own trading system in order not to stay in the market for a long time (intraday trading option), or try to take the entire trend movement (이 경우, you will need knowledge of the levels to set take profit, or use additional tools to determine more optimal goals). It is probably possible to create a simple Expert Advisor based on this indicator, which will only work on changing the color of the candle, or more progressively - use take, topping, 그리고 더.

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VVIP 수익 창출자 (킹 오브 핍스) 버전 스윙 시스템 (2020) Indicator can be downloaded for free and a template for its installation on the chart can be found in the attached archive.
Try it on real quotes in real time, share your impressions and your best practices with this indicator.

스윙 시스템 2020 SETTINGS:

Swing System 2020 - Free Edition 14

스윙 시스템 2020 RESULTS:


Swing System 2020 - Free Edition 15

Swing System 2020 - Free Edition 16

Swing System 2020 - Free Edition 17

DOWNLOAD Swing System 2020 :







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작가: 외환 위키 팀
우리는 경험이 풍부한 외환 트레이더들로 구성된 팀입니다 [2000-2023] 우리 자신의 조건에 따라 삶을 살기 위해 헌신하는 사람들. 우리의 주요 목표는 재정적 독립과 자유를 얻는 것입니다., 우리는 자립 가능한 라이프 스타일을 달성하기 위한 수단으로 독학을 추구하고 외환 시장에서 풍부한 경험을 얻었습니다..