Useful Script for Open Order with Percentage Profit and Lots


Hello Everybody , I simply needed to share my open order script.
Please inform me any errors or bugs you have got discovered.

I've used Actual XM micro account for testing.
It may not appropriate for different account and different dealer however the code might be modify simply as I've included *.mq4 information.

There are 4 folders within the zip information...
1. CloseAndBreakevenLayer - not my very own code, however I included it because it's helpful
2. OpenManyLayer - that is mine
3. OpenOneLayer - that is mine
4. OpenOneLayerAndModifyOtherLayer - that is mine

I hope the folder title is known simply by you because the title it self is what the script is suggesting to do...
I cannot clarify intimately additional what the script does...
it's best in the event you check it in demo account first to grasp what it does.

All of the script is about by default to used Cash Administration (MM) Settings.
Which is to setup commerce base on proportion threat heaps and proportion take revenue of the present account steadiness and fairness.
As your account steadiness and fairness develop, the true Lots additionally improve and actual Profit in greenback $ additionally improve.
S/L Stoploss is disable by default.

My present favourite script that I makes use of for commerce now's under...

For Up Development
_Buy_TP1v3@market (open a purchase commerce and set all commerce T/P=revenue % , clear S/L=0)
_Sell_TP1v4@market (open a promote commerce and set all commerce promote S/L == T/P (commerce purchase) , and clear commerce promote T/P=0)
model 4 open reverse commerce and will resulted commerce promote in loss and commerce purchase in revenue and exited on the similar time.
_Buy_TP1v5@market (open a purchase commerce and set all commerce promote S/L == T/P (commerce purchase) , and clear commerce promote T/P=0)
model 5 will resulted commerce promote in loss and commerce purchase in revenue and exited on the similar time.

For Down Development
_Sell_TP1v3@market (open a promote commerce and set all commerce T/P=revenue % , clear S/L=0)
_Buy_TP1v4@market (open a purchase commerce and set all commerce purchase S/L == T/P (commerce promote) , and clear commerce purchase T/P=0)
model 4 open reverse commerce and will resulted commerce purchase in loss and commerce promote in revenue and exited on the similar time.
_Sell_TP1v5@market (open a promote commerce and set all commerce purchase S/L == T/P (commerce promote) , and clear commerce purchase T/P=0)
model 5 will resulted commerce purchase in loss and commerce promote in revenue and exited on the similar time.

For Sideway
it will open each manner a commerce promote and purchase on the similar time however have totally different T/P and will resulted each exited commerce at a distinct time.

That is all. All one of the best Useful Script for Open Order with Percentage Profit and Lots 1

연결된 그림
Useful Script for Open Order with Percentage Profit and Lots 2


Connected File

Further Indicators - you'll know precisely how a lot revenue proportion % in greenback $ and how huge is the true proportion lot.

연결된 그림
Useful Script for Open Order with Percentage Profit and Lots 3


Connected File

Set Hotkeys for quicker commerce executions

연결된 그림 (확대하려면 클릭하세요)
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Name: erhwh.PNG
Size: 27 KB

Model 6 Lot% base on steadiness

Connected File

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