Ichimoku SynergyWave Indicator MT4(Renovatio 15/07/2024) – Free Download


Comprehensive Review of the Ichimoku SynergyWave Indicator

The Ichimoku SynergyWave Indicator is a powerful tool designed to automate the application of Ichimoku Wave Theory, Time Theory, and Target Price Theory on the MT4 platform. Developed with the principles laid out by Sensei Goichi Hosoda, this indicator aims to simplify and enhance the trading experience for both novice and experienced traders. This article provides an in-depth review of the Ichimoku SynergyWave Indicator, evaluating its features, advantages, and potential drawbacks.

Ichimoku SynergyWave Indicator MT4(Update 15/07/2024) - Free Download 2

Technical Specifications

Version: 1.0
Annus proventus: 2024
opus pairs: Any
Recommended timeframe: Any
Minimum Deposit: $1000
Mediocris rationis: 1:30 Ad 1:500

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Ichimoku SynergyWave Indicator Settings

Ichimoku SynergyWave Indicator MT4(Update 15/07/2024) - Free Download 11

Key Features of the Ichimoku SynergyWave Indicator

Automatic Wave Determination

The primary function of the Ichimoku SynergyWave Indicator is to automatically determine wave patterns on the price chart. This feature allows traders to quickly identify and interpret wave formations, making the trading process more efficient and less prone to human error.

Integration of Ichimoku Theories

The indicator seamlessly integrates Wave Theory, Time Theory, and Target Price Theory. This integration allows for comprehensive market analysis based on the Ichimoku Kinko Hyo strategy. The theories help in predicting market ranges with high precision, providing valuable insights into future market movements.

Real-Time Calculations

Using formulas derived by Goichi Hosoda, the indicator performs real-time calculations to measure wave proportions and forecast market ranges. These calculations are graphically represented on the chart, providing immediate visual feedback to the trader.

Customizable Analysis

The indicator offers various customization options, such as changing the measurement methodology between price extremes and closes with a simple press of the E/C button. Traders can also recalibrate wave ranges directly from the graphics window using the Rc button.

Visualization and Information Display

Graphical and numerical distinctions based on Hosoda's numerical values are prominently displayed, aiding quick and accurate analysis. The indicator can present results in various formats, including pips, candlestick counts, or specific dates, enhancing its versatility.

Ichimoku SynergyWave Indicator In Action

Ichimoku SynergyWave Indicator MT4(Update 15/07/2024) - Free Download 12 Ichimoku SynergyWave Indicator MT4(Update 15/07/2024) - Free Download 13 Ichimoku SynergyWave Indicator MT4(Update 15/07/2024) - Free Download 14

Advantages of the Ichimoku SynergyWave Indicator

Enhanced Efficiency

By automating wave determination and calculations, the Ichimoku SynergyWave Indicator significantly reduces the time and effort required for market analysis. This efficiency is particularly beneficial for novice traders who may not be well-versed in manual chart analysis.

Improved Accuracy

The indicator’s use of established Ichimoku theories and precise numerical values enhances the accuracy of market forecasts. The ability to visualize and interpret data quickly can lead to more informed trading decisions.

User-friendly Interface

The intuitive design of the indicator, with its easy-to-use buttons and customizable settings, makes it accessible to traders of all experience levels. The visual representation of data on the chart further simplifies the analysis process.

Comprehensive Analysis

By incorporating multiple Ichimoku theories, the indicator provides a holistic view of the market. This comprehensive analysis can uncover trends and patterns that might be missed with simpler tools.

Disadvantages of the Ichimoku SynergyWave Indicator

Dependence on Automation

While automation increases efficiency, it can also lead to over-reliance on the indicator. Traders may neglect the importance of understanding the underlying principles of Ichimoku analysis, potentially making them vulnerable to market anomalies not accounted for by the tool.

Limited Customization for Advanced Users

Although the indicator offers various customization options, advanced traders might find it restrictive compared to more flexible tools. The reliance on preset formulas and values might limit the ability to tailor the analysis to unique market conditions.

Learning Curve

For traders unfamiliar with the Ichimoku Kinko Hyo strategy, there may be a steep learning curve. Understanding how to interpret the various graphical and numerical outputs effectively requires some foundational knowledge of Ichimoku principles.

Platform Dependency

The Ichimoku SynergyWave Indicator is designed specifically for the MT4 platform. Traders using other platforms will not be able to utilize this tool unless they switch to MT4, which may not be convenient for everyone.


The Ichimoku SynergyWave Indicator is a robust tool for automating and enhancing the application of Ichimoku theories in forex trading. Its ability to provide real-time, accurate wave analysis makes it a valuable asset for both novice and experienced traders. tamen, potential users should be aware of its limitations and ensure they complement the tool with a solid understanding of Ichimoku principles. Overall, the Ichimoku SynergyWave Indicator stands out as a comprehensive and efficient solution for traders looking to leverage the power of Ichimoku Kinko Hyo strategy on the MT4 platform.


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