Trading Multipair Triangles, no Stoploss


Hey foreign exchange Of us!

I would prefer to share with You my system that I used to be comming to for a few years. I'm testing it nowadays and it offers nices outcomes.
I've not sufficient time in my life to sit down on the pc to commerce foreign exchange (work, children, home constructing), so I constructed this technique to set and get again to after week or two (checking the outcomes on my cellphone throughout every week).

So listed below are the principle concepts:

1. It's not a typical grid, however has a lot in widespread with grid system.
As an alternative of placing X equal-size orders, triangle system places orders of largest dimension at finest costs, and loweste.g.:

Aduncum Picture (click to enlarge)

2. In a preliminary model I used to be placing longest TakeProfits for the best-price orders, and shortest TakeProfits for worst-price orders. eg.:

Aduncum Picture
Trading Multipair Triangles, no Stoploss 1

3. To calculate place dimension and take income for all of orders in a triangle I set: dimension and tp for minimal and most after which I take advantage of excel file to calculate others proportionally.

4. As I'm buying and selling small however actual solely cash, I take advantage of OANDA rationibus, however its simply because I can commerce versatile sizes of orders ( vndique a 1 base forex), and what's extra essential after I calculate such triangle from e.g. (100$ - 1000$) then round twenty orders between them have values like 150$, 650 $ et sic porro. so these aren't commonplace mt4 commerce sizes

5. I most frequently commerce this each instructions, adjusting dimension and relative positions of triangles to anticipated state of affairs on a pair:

Aduncum Picture (click to enlarge)
Click to Enlarge Name: triangles.png Size: 43 KB

I am going to proceed in subsequent publish. If any individual has some query to date, please ask.
Like I say, it's system I'm nonetheless engaged on, however I've already some expertise with.
I want discussing solely about this technique on this thread.

Finest Regards

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