5_15 Minute stochastic scalping on 1 Min TF

Hiya Everybody,

Right here is my easy system which I'm utilizing testing it. For me it appears to be worthwhile. Please present your suggestions on this method.

Purchase when the beneath situation meets:

1. When the value goes above 5 EMA
2. When blue arrow seems on the 15 min stoch
3. When blue arrow seems on the 5 min stoch
4. Exit when crimson arrow seems on the 5 min stoch

Promote when the beneath situation meets:

1. When the value goes beneath 5 EMA
2. When crimson arrow seems on the 15 min stoch
3. When crimson arrow seems on the 5 min stoch
4. Exit when blue arrow seems on the 5 min stoch

Attaching the indicator and template.

I've simply again examined it offline in 1 Min TF. Must test if it repaints or not when market opens. My guess it mustn't repaint.
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