Metiens Trading – Gradus Breakouts et Retracements



Bonus dies,

Simply ensuring I'm on the proper monitor. Vis commendationem tuam vel solum feedback.

Exemplar meum emptionis et venditionis est : Trahere septa per dies. Determinare exemplar iter omne mane. Commerce Breakout et Retracements.

Commerce 1:
R1 stage commerce Breakout retrace Restrict Order
As soon as a bar get above Stage and retrace, again to stage, go lengthy. Vice versa for brief.
The blue arrow is the entry bar

Commerce 2:
R2 Stage
After a failure to breakout of R2, and begins to retrace. When worth begins heading again in direction of to R2, i enter a purchase cease above the most up-to-date excessive.
The blue arrow is the entry bar

Each these trades have been winners.

1. Is such a buying and selling referred to as worth motion buying and selling?
2. Would you think about commerce 2 very dangerous? I consider this as a retracement and buying and selling in the path of present pattern.
3. What sort of efficiency metrics in backtest or ahead take a look at would qualify as a buying and selling model price investing in or show my edge.

What do you consider my buying and selling?


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Author: Praenomen to Team
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