Pecunia factorem INQUISITOR Testimonium


MM (Monetarius) Deprehensio Indicis

MM Detective is a brand new indicator I just lately created -- it reveals the "vitas" cacumina et Bottoms in valorem chart. I've determined to share it with ForexFactory
sodales ut indicium gratiae FF *. Libenter studeo FF et inveni potius multum ex diversis membris et auctoribus.

The concept behind the MM Detective Indicator was hatched from following @George AUS's thread entitled "Worth motion on the core / tma intra day" ( For these of you who adopted @George's now frozen thread, you'll perceive instantly how and why to make use of this indicator. For many who are usually not conversant in @George's thread I will supply just a few phrases of rationalization. tamen, please take into account I'm not @George and by no means really understood his methodology -- however I did come away value knowledge in a very new method. And only for the file -- I've spoken with @George a few occasions and little question (a) @George est verum vir, et (b) @George est a capere mangone...

Nam altius vel pejus, forum costs sunt manipulated. Whether or not by a single entity or cabal of colluding central banks -- it makes no distinction. On this thread I'll discuss with this single entity as MMITS -- "Money Maker In The Sky". Quia actus valor tam actualis, @George factum est praedicare plus quam verisimile est unum ens quod est (a) habet ingressum ad omnia data in artium (et desine damna), et (b) has (iustus de) infiniti fontes labefactum nulla re pretii actiones indigent. Nihil mihi interest utrum impensae manipulatae sint an transferendae in semi- passim necne, pura methodo. Vero, I'd argue that for retail merchants "manipulated" is most popular to "semi-random" as a result of there are clues you'll be able to deduce which can be left behind by the manipulator (MMITS). Praeterea, @George demonstrated for those who absolutely perceive the "psychology" behind MMITS then your buying and selling efficiency goes by the roof.

Coniuncta pictura (click to enlarge)
Money Maker Detective Indicator 1

Conatur in valorem chart a sinistra-ad-ius, the purple strains start at a TOP and prolong to the proper till they're "taken-out" or eliminated by the worth transferring upward. Aeque, the blue strains start at a BOTTOM and prolong to the proper till they're "taken-out" by the worth transferring downward. One other identify for TOP is "Peak". One other identify for BOTTOM is "Alveum". Utilizing this indicator you'll be able to clearly see the "vitas" of TOPS and BOTTOMS.

A TOP (Peak) fit cum dignitas ferit deorsum. SOLUM (Alveum) fit cum pretium ferit sursum. Desine Damna cumulare supra et sub pretium linea. In causa de Velox artium (proveho), Desine Damna cumulare super pretium versus, et in casu Artium Longae (shopping for), Desine damna cumulare in pretium versus. Cum MMITS initiat spiculum sursum, Desine damna ab Velox artificiis sumuntur-e. Cum MMITS clavum initiat deorsum, Desine Longa artium sumpta sunt damna. Sub omnibus exempla:

Coniuncta pictura (click to enlarge)

Money Maker Detective Indicator 2Money Maker Detective Indicator 3

Coniuncta pictura (click to enlarge)

Money Maker Detective Indicator 4Money Maker Detective Indicator 5

Money Maker Detective Indicator 6

The sample of ranging or trending costs adopted by a spike happen time and again -- each image and time-frame. Praeterea magnitudinem clavum ipsum esse ipsum -- simply lengthy sufficient to take-out the focused Cease Losses -- no extra and no much less.

Summatim, hoc filum not a couple of methodology -- fairly, id est de adhibendis MMDetective indicator to show the "vitas" of TOP and BOTTOM costs in an effort to higher perceive value knowledge and present how it's manipulated. Indicator adhiberi potest slant-sola vel mixta cum indicibus diversis adiuvandis, ut superiores emptionis et venditionis excerpta faciant. In following posts I'll clarify a bit of bit extra in regards to the indicator's settings and in addition present examples the place it may be mixed with different indicators.

The MMDetective indicator is straightforward to make use of -- simply set up it within the ..MQL4Indicators folder trahunt super chart.


Big Thank's To : robots4me

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Author: Praenomen to Team
Nos sumus quadrigis maxime peritus congue mercatores [2000-2023] qui vitam nostram vivendo sunt addicti. Primarium propositum nostrum est libertatem ac libertatem attingere, et sui educationem secuti sumus et in Forexino foro peritia multa consecuti sumus ut media ad vitam sustinendam sui sustentandam..