Open Monday-Close Fridaystrategy test

Journal to test a weekly buying and selling concept with Demo Commerce Explorer

It is a tremendous easy concept - Open commerce on Monday - Shut commerce on Friday - let the market resolve the revenue or loss.

Query is what to purchase or promote which will pattern in your chosen course for every week?

I've been utilizing tradingview's Foreign exchange Sign Finder to seek out forex pairs which were persistently trending.
I set the sign finder to rank yearly efficiency, month-to-month efficiency, weekly efficiency and every day efficiency.
The currencies I select are Main's, Minor's and Exotics

My standards for selecting a forex pair is as follows:

Shopping for
The forex pair will need to have a powerful optimistic yearly efficiency
And the forex pair will need to have a optimistic month-to-month efficiency

The forex pair will need to have a powerful destructive yearly efficiency
The forex pair will need to have a destructive month-to-month efficiency

Additionally my dealer wants to supply the forex pair that meets my standards.

As soon as I've chosen the forex pairs in line with assembly the above standards I enter the commerce on a Monday earlier than London Open and shut earlier than New York shut on a Friday.

If anybody has ever traded like this or comparable - please let me know the way you bought on.

Aduncum Picture (click to enlarge)
Final week I traded this technique for less than a part of the week.

Pairs traded:

Achieve for the week was 1.7%

Subsequent week would be the first full week of testing this technique

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Author: Praenomen to Team
Nos sumus quadrigis maxime peritus congue mercatores [2000-2023] qui vitam nostram vivendo sunt addicti. Primarium propositum nostrum est libertatem ac libertatem attingere, et sui educationem secuti sumus et in Forexino foro peritia multa consecuti sumus ut media ad vitam sustinendam sui sustentandam..