Simple And Effective Forex Strategy FX Mystery Code System


Simple And Effective Forex Strategy FX Mystery Code System 1

Forex Strategy FX Mystery Code System uses only two indicators, which makes it a very simple and at the same time profitable trading system. This trading system is sold for $ 300 , but you can familiarize yourself with it absolutely free of charge.

What is the secret of a simple Forex trading strategy FX Mystery Code System? The main indicator Mystery Data does not draw and displays trade signals in the form of Buy / Sell arrows on the chart, which is in turn a signal to open a deal. The second indicator Histox acts as a filter.

FX Mystery Code System Features

Platform: MT4
Currency pairs: any
Trading time: 24 horas die
Timeframe: from M5 and higher
Recommended broker: Exness

Mystery Code FX trading rules

Rule for purchases:

Simple And Effective Forex Strategy FX Mystery Code System 2

A blue arrow appears on the chart (Mystery Data
indicator) The Histox histogram and also a blue
Output when the opposite signal appears (red arrow):

Rule for sales:

Simple And Effective Forex Strategy FX Mystery Code System 3

A red arrow appears on the chart (Mystery Data
indicator) Histox indicator histogram is also red
Output when the opposite signal appears (blue arrow):

Despite the apparent simplicity, we recommend that you first trade this strategy on a demo account. And only after the emergence of positive dynamics, you can go to the real trade.


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Author: Praenomen to Team
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