Trade with Naked Eyes

The Requirment for this Trade is

M 15 chart as huge as potential

Your left eye and your Proper Eye

Consolidation of candles

Draw horizontel traces on consilidation on the higher half in addition to on the down half

if the candle set off from the higher half wait one other 15 minute to retrace and go lengthy and identical with brief

You can be wanting with your left eye for going lengthy that the candles are a lot above your left eyes and vice vers

Chapter one EU M 15 CHART

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Author: Praenomen to Team
Nos sumus quadrigis maxime peritus congue mercatores [2000-2023] qui vitam nostram vivendo sunt addicti. Primarium propositum nostrum est libertatem ac libertatem attingere, et sui educationem secuti sumus et in Forexino foro peritia multa consecuti sumus ut media ad vitam sustinendam sui sustentandam..