Брокеры Арбитражный советник


Первый, I want to say that I've discovered an over-abundance of knowledge right here on FF. Надеюсь, это поможет разным людям в их арбитражном путешествии..

Сейчас, I've included a zipper file that has the required elements for Arbitrage EURUSD between IBFX and Alpari (вам нужно использовать любой 2 брокеры, которых вы хотите, you simply want to recollect which is which).

Directions for putting in are within the zip file. I've additionally included a zipper file within the zip file that has the Visible Studio 2010 supply code for the dll.

What I am hoping right here is that we are able to enhance on this.

This is the state of affairs: It is profitable. 18 out of each 19 сделки, доход. The one loss is a doosy (large). Так, what I am hoping for is a few assist in refining the EA in order that we are able to make that loss not so unhealthy. After which I can create what's vital for all different pairs.

Guidelines of the EA:
Вход: When Bid is larger than the opposite terminals ASK by quantity of unfold or freezelevel (which ever is larger), we enter one quick (the Bid terminal) and one lengthy (the ask terminal). In thoery, the costs ought to meet. Or a minimum of come shut.
Выход: When costs change into combined (то есть. Bid in a single terminal is not larger than ask within the different). Or TP. Or SL.

Сейчас, in idea this sounds good. However I would like another individuals who have expierence on this to chime in.

The most effective symbols for lock arbitrage software program for the final 2 месяц
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What may we enhance?

I've modified the code round now to be generic. Терминал 1 and Terminal 2 EA's within the generic folder w/ their embody file for Brokers that enable a set worth to be despatched within the OrderSend() operate for TP and SL.

For people who REQUIRE 0's to be despatched for TP and SL. Use the IBFX Terminal 1 and Terminal 2 EA's and embody within the IBFX folder. These modify the SL and TP values AFTER the place has been opened.



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