Forex Triangular ProNew Triangular Correlation One By One System


Hello smart trader, greetings with low profit DD ..

Forex Triangular Pro "New Triangular Correlation One By One System" 1

Forex Triangular pro is the latest trading system using 3 pairs of correlations, it's just that the open way is one by one with the difference of magic source on buy and sell groups only. Daily highlow

entry points for
all three pairs will be added. If the result is negative it will tend to open sell and vice versa if the result is positive it will tend to open buy.

Open BUY if the market meets the following requirements: HighLow Daily 3 пары> Minimal HL, HighLow Current 3 пары> Minimum HL and Highlow Current for each pair> Minimum HL.

Open SELL if the market meets the following requirements: HighLow Daily 3 пары <-Minimal HL, HighLow Current 3 пары <-Minimum HL and Highlow Current each pairs <-Minimal HL.

Exit Point
This EA uses TP by money to exit the trade.

Now from the above strategy, the EA trading system will tend to follow the trend so that it is expected to maximize profits with DD which is also expected to be lower.

For pairs pairs that are used can use triangular pairs correlation.

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ЧИТАТЬ  FX CORRELATION EA MT4 - Free Download Unlimited Version


Forex Triangular Pro "New Triangular Correlation One By One System" 2
This EA will be more powerful if you use a large balance (can use a cent account).


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Автор: Команда Форекс Вики
Мы — команда опытных трейдеров Форекс. [2000-2023] которые посвятили себя жизни на наших собственных условиях. Наша основная цель – достичь финансовой независимости и свободы., и мы занимаемся самообразованием и приобрели обширный опыт работы на рынке Форекс, что является нашим средством достижения самостоятельного образа жизни..