PatrolMiner EA -[Частное использование]- Волатильность цен на рынке


PatrolMiner EA -[Private Use]- Price Volatility Market 1

Hi Dears Forex Wiki users,

PatrolMiner EA Description :

EA PatrolMiner is a scalper expert advisor using Stoploss and Takeprofit for profit. This EA will work well in the event of significant price volatility marked by market strength volatility> 100%. This EA might be the same as another patrol family scalper if only used in 1 пара, but the miner will be very powerful if used in many pairs at once. In accordance with the motto carried by this EA which is together we strong, together we will be strong.

Entry Point
1. Market Strength> 100%
2. Buy or Sell signals are obtained from the WPR, CCI and Stochastic oscillators.

Exit points
1. SL and TP for each pair.
2. TP with all pairs.

Special Feature
Recovery Loss, Filter Time, dan Daily Target

Recovery loss
One of the best features in EA PatrolMiner is recovery loss. So for example EA hit by SL in his trading, then the amount of loss will be added to the TP together, so that someday if EA hits TP with it, then the expected loss of trading is already paid. After the Joint TP that has been added to our loss trade has been reached, then the Joint TP will be reset again to its original value. This is the difference if we use lots of pairs then this EA will be more powerful than only 1 пара, because if one pair is affected by loss due to SL hits, recovery will be more difficult to achieve if the recovery is only 1 pair compared if recovery is done together in mutual cooperation. with a few other pairs, the shared TP will be faster achieved.

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ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: In order for this recovery feature to be maximized, we must set All history on the MT4 trade history. This is because if we are exposed to loss on day 1 then the next day the value of our previous day's loss will still be added to the TP together for recovery, because if we only use today history, then the EA cannot read the loss on the previous day's trade history and as a result the TP shared will be reset.

PatrolMiner EA -[Private Use]- Price Volatility Market 2

Требования к брокеру :

НАЗВАНИЕ БРОКЕРАРЕГИСТРГод основания Штаб-квартира ИспользоватьМинимальный депозит Регулирование
PatrolMiner EA -[Private Use]- Price Volatility Market 3Зарегистрироваться2007
🇦🇺 Австралия
🇨🇾 Кипр
🇧🇸 Багамы
🇸🇿 Сейшелы
1:1000$200ASIC, СКБ, ФСА
PatrolMiner EA -[Private Use]- Price Volatility Market 4Зарегистрироваться2008
🇨🇾 Кипр
1:Безлимитный$10CySEC, FCA, ФСКА, ФСА, БВО
PatrolMiner EA -[Private Use]- Price Volatility Market 5Зарегистрироваться2009
🇧🇿 Белиз
PatrolMiner EA -[Private Use]- Price Volatility Market 6Зарегистрироваться2009
🇧🇿 Белиз
PatrolMiner EA -[Private Use]- Price Volatility Market 7Зарегистрироваться2009
🇨🇾 Кипр
🇦🇺 Австралия
🇧🇿 Белиз
🇦🇪 Эмирейтс
1:1000$5 ASIC, CySEC , МФСК
PatrolMiner EA -[Private Use]- Price Volatility Market 8Зарегистрироваться2010
🇦🇺 Австралия
1:500$200FCA , ASIC, DFSA
PatrolMiner EA -[Private Use]- Price Volatility Market 9Зарегистрироваться2011
🇬🇧 Англия
PatrolMiner EA -[Private Use]- Price Volatility Market 10Зарегистрироваться2006
🇪🇭 Ирландия

PatrolMiner EA Settings:

PatrolMiner EA -[Private Use]- Price Volatility Market 11

PatrolMiner EA -[Private Use]- Price Volatility Market 12

Terms of using an EA scalper such as PatrolMiner:
Low spread broker. Keep spreads below 1.5 пипсы (15 очки).
Brokers with zero Stop Level or at least under 5 очки.
Brokers that allow Scalping without a time requirement.
Брокеры с низким проскальзыванием.
Install on VPS with a small ping latency (SocialVps is recommended) and better with large RAM. If you want to subscribe to SocialVPS HERE .
If you are using VPS, the first thing you need to do is calibrate the time, as follows:
1. click the time / date in the lower right, select change date and time settings


PatrolMiner EA -[Private Use]- Price Volatility Market 13

PatrolMiner EA Results:

Can PatrolMiner be tested?
Ты можешь, but the results will not be optimal. Почему? firstly because this EA will be more maximal if you use many pairs at the same time (BT is only possible for 1 пара) and secondly the recovery feature will not run optimally when BT, this is because when BT history trade is used only on that day, meaning that if we experience a loss on the first day when BT then changes days and the shared TP has not been reached, the loss that occurred on yesterday will not be able to read EA on the following day so the shared TP will reset again even though it has not been recovered.

BT PatrolMiner results on March-April 2020 eurusd pairs

PatrolMiner EA -[Private Use]- Price Volatility Market 14

PatrolMiner EA -[Private Use]- Price Volatility Market 15

If you look at the BT results above, there are a number of down graphs that are not accompanied by an upward recovery graph, this is because when there is an active loss and recovery it turns out that the shared TP was not achieved on that day, so that the next day the shared TP will reset to its original value (not happening recovery).

PatrolMiner EA trading results for the first month running a Live tickmill account. 100% выгода +

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PatrolMiner EA -[Private Use]- Price Volatility Market 17

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PatrolMiner EA Free Download :

[]PatrolMiner EA

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