Trading Tower and Valley Patterns: Crazy Towers + 12/24h

hello there,

Just lately, I noticed these patterns which appear like a tower and valley, many of those additionally appear like Pin Bars. I will share these patterns and title them so these might be addressed.

Easy Guidelines:

  1. Simply be good and sort with others.
  2. IF you wanna share a view, assist it with a chart.


  1. Look ahead to the Tower like formation (see att.), thereafter wait for one more 12-24h to make sure its for actual.
  2. IF PA seems to be too determined to go up or down, keep away.
  3. Greater than usually you would possibly see SMA on my charts, that might be SMA(13) on H1.


  1. Look ahead to NY morning on Mondays
  2. Commerce Extremely-light on Fridays.
  3. Attempt to not commerce EU or Cable earlier than 10:00 London time, earliest can be 07:00 am London time


  1. If you're not feeling nicely, don't commerce, if it compulsive, commerce mild.
  2. Don't commerce in case you are drunk.
  3. If you're vegetarian, take ample B6 n B12 from multi nutritional vitamins and so on.

Religious Angle for self-discipline and endurance:
I counsel simply strive your greatest to not commit any lethal sin (seven) and meditate (Yoga) for self management.

PS: English is a international language for me, so you realize.

Hooked up Picture (click on to enlarge)

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Автор: Команда Форекс Вики
Мы — команда опытных трейдеров Форекс. [2000-2023] которые посвятили себя жизни на наших собственных условиях. Наша основная цель – достичь финансовой независимости и свободы., и мы занимаемся самообразованием и приобрели обширный опыт работы на рынке Форекс, что является нашим средством достижения самостоятельного образа жизни..