فاریکس وڪي تجارت > threads
Trading education sales promotion noob baiting threads
- آگسٽ 22, 2018
- پاران شايع ٿيل: فاریکس وڪي ٽيم
- زمرو: فاریکس تجارتي نظام
ڪوبه تبصرو ناهي
With the intention to get new retailers to buy educational seminars , threads should be started to have an effect on new retailers about paying for mentors and educators. I started enough instructing PROFESSIONAL TRADING threads with out spending a dime .I'm unable to commerce. For individuals who can't commerce ,start new noob baiting thread on FF -
FXTradepro: Strategy using a “Semi-Martingale” Position Sizing
- June 4, 2013
- پاران شايع ٿيل: فاریکس وڪي ٽيم
- زمرو: فاریکس تجارتي نظام
Hey Merchants: I'm a very long time lurker at Foreign exchange Manufacturing unit and I want to open a thread to debate a Worthwhile Buying and selling Technique that I've been utilizing for greater than 1 yr. I've been hesitant to Publish prior to now relating to this Buying and selling Technique because it employs -
3% Risk Gives You Bliss System
- مئي 28, 2013
- پاران شايع ٿيل: فاریکس وڪي ٽيم
- زمرو: فاریکس تجارتي نظام
11/5/12 update. I've Added Spacytrader's EA to the thread as it is a great tool for the system. It gives us Pin point entry's for our trades. Careful with the risk. The EA will trade very close to how the system was intended to be traded.Settings Make sure all of these are set 0 in