NickB طريقو اوسط 100 پيپس هڪ هفتي


فاریکس جي سيارو تي خريداري ۽ وڪڻڻ وارا اڪثر واپارين مسلسل ٽيڪنالاجي جي مقدس قبرن کي ڳولي رهيا آهن جيڪي انهن کي هڪ هفتي ۾ هڪ ملينئر بڻائي سگهن ٿيون.. جھڙيءَ طرح نوجوانن جي چشمي جي تلاش ۾، اھو نظام ڪنھن به طرح دريافت نه ڪيو ويو آھي. هتي هڪ سراغ آهي ڇو; اهو موجود ناهي!

Looking out by way of boards like a loopy individual on the lookout for the magic mixture of indicators is the brief highway to failure. In case you are studying this e-E book on the lookout for a system to make you an prompt millionaire then hit that little purple ‘X’ proper now. In case you are studying this eBook on the lookout for a technique of buying and selling that may make you a profitable, constantly worthwhile dealer, then maintain studying. Buying and selling isn't a get wealthy fast scheme; it takes exhausting work and dedication.

My technique isn't a system, I don't use any indicators, and there are hardly any set-in-stone guidelines. My technique is predicated on candle patterns and assist and resistance strains. These are to not be confused with pivot factors or Fibonacci strains. The neatest thing about my buying and selling technique is you're not tied down to 1 particular model. You may implement sure facet of it, and add others, to tailor make your individual buying and selling model.

I do know that not utilizing indicators sounds loopy, however I've been doing it for 4 years and I'm nonetheless round. It's as much as you to make the selection. Are you going to embark on the futile seek for the Holy Grail buying and selling system? يا, are you going to learn to actually commerce?
Preserve it easy

The basis of my technique is to maintain issues easy. I'm in opposition to over complicating buying and selling. In my view, the easier your technique is, the simpler you can be. Making one thing extraordinarily sophisticated is simply going to waste time and add stress. That's the reason I attempt to maintain my buying and selling so simple as potential. Over complicating one thing that works very effectively is counterproductive. All I would like are a few strains on my chart and I could make 100+ pips per week with ease.

Some strategies you see are simply a mess of indicators; so many you can barely see the candles. This isn't the best way to commerce. For those who could be constantly worthwhile retaining it easy, with simply a few strains, then that's clearly the higher choice. In order you learn on, and discover out that my technique is simply a few easy strains, don't run away. These easy strains have been making me a lot of cash constantly for 4 سال. That's greater than could be mentioned for 99% of the buying and selling strategies on the market. Simplicity is a good factor, not a unhealthy factor.

مفت حاصل ڪريو


هي پوسٽ ڪيترو مفيد هو?

ان کي ريٽ ڪرڻ لاء اسٽار تي ڪلڪ ڪريو!

سراسري درجه بندي 0 / 5. ووٽن جي ڳڻپ: 0

هن وقت تائين ڪوبه ووٽ ناهي! هن پوسٽ جي درجه بندي ڪرڻ لاء پهريون ٿيو.

اسان کي افسوس آهي ته هي پوسٽ توهان لاء مفيد نه هئي!

اچو ته هن پوسٽ کي بهتر بڻايون!

اسان کي ٻڌايو ته اسان هن پوسٽ کي ڪيئن بهتر ڪري سگهون ٿا?

ليکڪ: فاریکس وڪي ٽيم
اسان انتهائي تجربيڪار فاریکس واپارين جي ٽيم آهيون [2000-2023] جيڪي اسان جي پنهنجي شرطن تي زندگي گذارڻ لاءِ وقف آهن. اسان جو بنيادي مقصد مالي آزادي ۽ آزادي حاصل ڪرڻ آهي, ۽ اسان خود تعليم حاصل ڪئي آهي ۽ فاریکس مارڪيٽ ۾ وسيع تجربو حاصل ڪيو آهي جيئن اسان جو مطلب هڪ خودمختاري واري زندگي گذارڻ جي لاءِ آهي..