- 十一月 15, 2022
- 發表者: 外匯維基團隊
- 類別: 免費外匯指標
Forex Radar Signal Indicator Review
Forex Radar Signal Indicator, 這是一個外匯系統,以箭頭的形式提供現成的買入和賣出訊號.
該綜合體以圖形市場分析為基礎. 系統還提供止盈水平.
◀️Can be used on any asset, 包括加密貨幣. 交易貨幣集, 加密貨幣, 金屬, 指數, ETC. is in the archive.
According to the author, it can be used for BO for two candles.
without binding
does not draw
⏰any tf
♻️sets of 4 和 5 signs added to the archive
The Forex Radar Signal Indicator works with any broker and any type of account, 但我們建議我們的客戶使用其中之一 頂級外匯經紀商 下面列出:
Forex Radar Signal Indicator Settings
Filter: Shape identification filtering. 例如, on one and the same section, the system can find a triangle that is on
實際上, it is an integral part of the double-top figure. The task of the filter is to cut off small figures and leave large ones.
Values from 10 到 1000 are used. The smaller the value, the smaller figures can be found.
Data Size for figure analysis: The larger the box, the more accurately the figure can
be identified.
Forex Radar Signal Indicator In Action
All suggested settings for H1
Settings for currency pairs are suitable for most brokers, the only condition is
choose the right settings for the number of characters of your account.
How to determine what your quotes. Open the EURUSD pair. If there are 4 digits after the decimal point, 例如 1.2070 (it means 4 digit quotes)
If 1.20701 (means 5 digit quotes)..
Forex Radar Signal Indicator 免費下載
We highly recommend trying the Forex Radar Signal Indicator with ICMarket 模擬帳戶. 也, 在真實帳戶上使用系統之前,請熟悉並了解系統的工作原理.