Crazy Pro EA – 免費版


Crazy Pro EA - Free Version 1


Crazy Pro EA Description :


Because of combining 4 business alghorythms (Pyramiding, 平均,Scalping and Hedging) and two-pair CONSTANT prime frequency scalping, relying on EA settings,it might build up your deposit from 100% / month to a stunning 400% / 天! After all, 400% in keeping with day makes use of most deposit load and could be very dangerous. So it must be used just for small deposits, and for larger ones settings must be extra conservative.

Two pairs for which it was once examined are EURUSD and USDFCHF- extremely correlated pairs (will also be modified). Time frame is 1H. A 5-digit dealer supported.


This EA scalps DIVERGENCE and all the time trades in a single path on each EURUSDandUSDFCHF- negatively correlated pairs, both purchase or promote in line with pair divergence (distinction), calculated from some bars in the past (ZeroCrossBarNumberparameter) .

So there may be some more or less protecting hedging. When divergence is larger than DeltaMinToOpenand not up to DeltaMaxToOpenit waits untill present value to remaining bar value ratio is larger than ConfirmReversalRatioparameter,to ensure that divergence is last and most effective then EA opens its place.

  FletBreakFX Advisor is a Dark Horse!

There is a protective good judgment - when the divergense begins to increase out of keep watch over, EA opens new HEDGING positions - towards development or trendwise. So infrequently it becomes pyramiding, infrequently into averaging, to transport total abstract end result to a good benefit.

However even then it does no longer shut all positions (CloseAllOnProfit parameter). If CloseAllOnProfitis set to false, it shall we the benefit drift which leads to consistent hour bar scalping. It was once previously a malicious program, however was a characteristic))

Crazy Pro EA Settings:


Crazy Pro EA Results:

Crazy Pro EA - Free Version 2 Crazy Pro EA - Free Version 3

Download Crazy Pro EA :


[]CrazyCTrader 1.1




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作者: 外匯維基團隊
我們是一支由經驗豐富的外匯交易者組成的團隊 [2000-2023] 致力於用自己的方式生活的人. 我們的首要目標是實現財務獨立和自由, 我們追求自我教育,並在外匯市場中獲得了豐富的經驗,以此作為實現自我永續生活方式的手段.