Forex Scalping Ea MT4/MT5Best Profitable Robot


 Forex Scalping Ea MT4 Live

Forex Scalping Ea MT4 Description :

Forex Scalping Ea, It worked like this, with the price closing below the 移動平均線, and with the RSI below 50, and a fractal pointing in the opposite direction.

在這種情況下, we would have banked all of these pips for an excellent trade, and that's why I am coding this into a bot. 現在, I'm going to make myself a cup of coffee, then I'm get started.

經紀商要求 :

經紀商名稱登記成立年份 總部 槓桿作用最低存款額 調節
Forex Scalping Ea MT4/MT5 - Best Profitable Robot 2登記2007
🇨🇾 塞浦路斯
🇧🇸 巴哈馬
🇸🇿 塞席爾
1:1000$200專用積體電路, SCB, 金融服務管理局
Forex Scalping Ea MT4/MT5 - Best Profitable Robot 3登記2008
🇨🇾 塞浦路斯
1:無限$10塞浦路斯證券交易委員會, 英國金融行為監理局, 金融服務管理局, 金融服務管理局, 英屬維京群島
Forex Scalping Ea MT4/MT5 - Best Profitable Robot 4登記2009
🇧🇿 貝利茲
Forex Scalping Ea MT4/MT5 - Best Profitable Robot 5登記2009
🇧🇿 貝利茲
Forex Scalping Ea MT4/MT5 - Best Profitable Robot 6登記2009
🇨🇾 塞浦路斯
🇧🇿 貝利茲
🇦🇪 阿聯酋航空
1:1000$5 專用積體電路, 塞浦路斯證券交易委員會 , 國際金融服務中心
Forex Scalping Ea MT4/MT5 - Best Profitable Robot 7登記2010
1:500$200英國金融行為監理局 , 專用積體電路, DFSA
Forex Scalping Ea MT4/MT5 - Best Profitable Robot 8登記2011
Forex Scalping Ea MT4/MT5 - Best Profitable Robot 9登記2006
1:400 $100工業商業銀行, 中國證券交易委員會, PFSA, 專用積體電路, 英屬維京群島金融服務中心, FFAJ, 南非金融服務協會,阿布達比全球金融中心, ISA

Forex Scalping Robot Settings:

 Forex Scalping Ea MT4 Settings

There is a basic money management setting. You can set your lot size or your risk percent. So if you want to risk 10% every trade, just set your risk percent to 10%. I have Martin Gale.

It will double your lot size after every single loss. This is a risky thing, but I like adding it to most expert advisors because it's just fun. Then you have your trade parameters.

Those are your take profit and your stop loss.

In case you want to win a trade by 10 點, you would set it to 100. If you want to lose a trade by 20 點, you would set it to 200, very simple. You have your maximum spread in points.

Scalping EA Results:

 Forex Scalping Ea MT4 Results Forex Scalping Ea MT4/MT5 - Best Profitable Robot 10

The results can be seen on my Fxbook here. I started a $10,000 test on January 1st, and now we are at $14,454 on September 20th, a gain of 44%.

This is a monthly gain of 4%, a drawdown of just 13%.

It was $130 for the best trade and $586 for the worst trade. And the average trade length was two hours and 30 分分鐘, which is good for a scalping strategy.

It isn't too long, and there are probably some long trades thrown in, but that is still pretty good.

  量子帝EA MT4 : 人工智慧帶來革命性變革

7% in January, 6% in March, 10% in June, 和 8% in July, but overall a pretty consistent winning strategy over these nine months.


Download Forex Scalping Ea MT4:

We highly recommend trying the Forex Scalping Ea for at least a week with ICMarket 模擬帳戶. 也, 在真實帳戶上使用系統之前,請熟悉並了解系統的工作原理.


Forex Scalping Ea MT4-MT5



平均評分 0 / 5. 計票數: 0

目前還沒有投票! 成為第一個評價這篇文章的人.




作者: 外匯維基團隊
我們是一支由經驗豐富的外匯交易者組成的團隊 [2000-2023] 致力於用自己的方式生活的人. 我們的首要目標是實現財務獨立和自由, 我們追求自我教育,並在外匯市場中獲得了豐富的經驗,以此作為實現自我永續生活方式的手段.