- 一月 12, 2022
- 發表者: 外匯維基團隊
- 類別: 免費外匯 EA
FX EA Low Drawdown Description :
We have effectively planned a forex robot with an extremely low drawdown of 4.20% and month to month benefit scope of 10% 到 20%.
EA is viable with financing firms like FTMO, MY FOREX FUNDS, 等等
EA utilizes a top base converse exchanging procedure alongside network, inside brilliant marker signs and news channel as its exchanging methodology.
This EA chips away at 14 sets
Chips away at 1Kand above.
這 14 Pairs are :
澳幣CAD , 澳幣兌美元 , CADCHF , 加幣日元 ,
歐元澳幣 , 歐元英鎊 , 歐元日圓 , 歐元紐西蘭元 ,
歐元兌美元 , GBPAUD , 英鎊紐西蘭元 , 英鎊兌美元 ,
美元兌加元 , 美元日圓 .
Auto Lot the executives - EA will choose Lot size consequently dependent on your asset
Prop Firm EA accompanies a bit by bit client guide and video for fast establishment.
The back test aftereffects of PROPFIRM EA on a 10K record which has acquired +25% benefit simply in 45 days on ONE PAIR
經紀商要求 :
FX EA Low Drawdown Settings:
FX EA Low Drawdown Results: