- 二月 11, 2022
- 發表者: 外匯維基團隊
- 類別: 免費外匯 EA
MT5多幣種機器人提供了完全自動化的, professional trading system with stable entry points based on global 價格變動.
在自動模式下工作時的貨幣對: 歐元兌美元, 美元日圓, 美元兌加元, 美元瑞郎,紐元兌美元, 英鎊兌美元, 澳幣兌美元.
Works on hourly bars and is not picky about the quality of the Internet connection.
The system work with a minimum deposit is $50
Do not use ultra-short trades (倒賣, pipging).
The interface is easy to use.
Best Broker List :
Three trading modes are available with MT5 Multi-Currency Robot:
Automatic: trading using 7 currency pairs on one chart.
This mode requires no configuration and is ideal for beginners.
Automated trading (THIS CHART) - Seven currency pairs: Trade only the pair to which the expert is attached.
No configuration is necessary.
MANUAL : Trades on any instrument. Provides unlimited parameter settings.
Trades only on the chart to which it is attached.
Requires parameters.
Result Multi Currency Robot