Traide Ringer EA V4.01 – 完整版


How the system works Traide Ringer EA:
Take 3 currency pairs combine them and rotate them like a wheel
As one is in drawdown, two are in profit
或者 2 are in drawdown while one is in profit
Conservative setting- one ring
Medium setting- one ring higher lot size
Aggressive setting- two rings

Traide Ringer EA V4.01 - Full Version 1


Charts- 4hr and 1 天

Recommend run Sunday-Wednesday

Which currency pairs does the Traide Ringer trade?
These are the pairs that work in a synergistic way most of the time, which allows the Traide Ringer to profit on one pair while another pair is in a negative profit.

  1. 澳幣兌美元
  2. 澳幣日元
  3. 歐元澳幣
  4. 歐元日圓
  5. 歐元兌美元
  6. 美元日圓

回撤 is a natural occurrence with any trading and should not cause unnecessary alarm. 同時, we want to be responsible and make educated decisions that help avoid drawdown at the wrong times.
Floating Drawdown Expectations:
.01 每 1,000$ (受到推崇的)
Floating Drawdown Expectation= 2-5%
Recommended Equity Protector= 20-25
.02 每 1000$ (中等風險) (Higher than Recommended)
Floating Drawdown Expectation= 3-8%
Recommended Equity Protector= 25-30
.03 每 1000$ (HIGH RISK) (挑釁的; not Recommended unless account size is $3,000)
Floating Drawdown Expectation= 6-15%
Recommended Equity Protector= 30
Here are some factors that could cause unexpected drawdown

  1. News Events = If the software is running during an Economic News event that can cause high volatility in the market place can result in a higher drawdown experience with the Traide Ringer Software.
  2. Low Liquidity – When running the software during times of low liquidity; Bank Holidays, In between sessions and Fridays. This is because with low liquidity there is less volatility, which results in smaller movements in the market. When this takes place the software has less opportunity to close profit positions so you may experience more drawdown than normal.
  3. Running anything different than the recommended settings the company has provided, such as more aggressive settings and starting the Traide Ringer as soon as the market opens on Sunday when 價差 have not normalized.
  Timing Solution Full Version

Traide Ringer EA V4.01 - Full Version 2

Traide Ringer EA V4.01 - Full Version 3




Traide Ringer





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作者: 外匯維基團隊
我們是一支由經驗豐富的外匯交易者組成的團隊 [2000-2023] 致力於用自己的方式生活的人. 我們的首要目標是實現財務獨立和自由, 我們追求自我教育,並在外匯市場中獲得了豐富的經驗,以此作為實現自我永續生活方式的手段.