- 一月 4, 2021
- 發表者: 外匯維基團隊
- 類別: 免費外匯 EA
Trend Following Pro Description :
is a trading robot for the trading on forex and trades several strategies. This is a Trend Following system that trades during all Day.
Expert advisor not use arbitrage or high frequency trading, then from test results in a high resistance to slippage.
The system can also work with Pc or Vps a latency up to a recommended maximum of 100ms.
The EA has been subjected to stress tests for a period of 17 年 and passes every year with a very advantageous profit / drawdown ratio.
It analyzes the market without using obsolete indicators and pattern, looking for the main trend, entering the market based on volatility and an artificial intelligence algorithm to predict the likely future trend.
The maximum accuracy backtests allowed show a high payout rate and good resistance to unexpected market events.
Recommended Test Period 2004 到 今天. 歐元兌美元, 英鎊兌美元, 美元兌加元 it is not recommended for use on other pairs, without being aware of the increased risks.
象徵 | 歐元兌美元, 英鎊兌美元, 美元兌加元 |
大體時間 | M1 |
設定 | Default or set files |
Brokers | Broker with low spread and commission, ecn, stp or ndd |
最低存款額 | 1000 usd |
Market Entry method | Market Order |
Tester Method | tick by tick |
Trend Following Pro Settings:
- 很多: lot amount with autolot disabled
- 奧托洛特: Enable autolot or disable it
- 風險: risk for autolot calculation
- 神奇數字: id for identify Ea orders
- Spread Allowed: spread limit, over no trade will be open
- Rsi Period: Period for Rsi indicator
- Rsi Price: Price of Rsi indicator
- Rsi Reverse Rules: Reverse rules for Rsi indicator
- Rsi Timeframe: Rsi indicator applied timeframe
- Monday: Enable trading on this Day
- Tuesday: Enable trading on this Day
- Wednesday: Enable trading on this Day
- Thursday: Enable trading on this Day
- Friday: Enable trading on this Day
- Saturday: Enable trading on this Day
- Sunday: Enable trading on this Day
- Enable Buy: Enable Buy Trade
- Enable Sell: Enable Sell Trade
- One trade for one bar: only one trade for each bar
- Order Timeframe: Timeframe for Ea First order
- Max Orders: Maximum number of orders
- Coeff Sum: Position increase coeff
- Minimum Distance: Minimum Distance For secondary Positions
- One Trade Bar Grid: if true, robot can open only one trade for bar for grid orders.
- Timeframe Secondary Order: Timeframe for secondary Trades.
- 從中受益: take profit for orders
- Modify Take Profit for First Order: Use a different take profit for the first order
- Take Profit for first order: take profit for first order
- Close only end of bar: close trades only at the end of M1 bar
- Enable Money Max Loss: Enable Loss Limit in money
- Every Microlot: Moltiply the amount of “money max loss” x 100 x lot
- Stop Trading When Hit: Stop Trading when you hit max loss
- Maximum Monetary loss: Maximum Monetary Loss amount
- Close Friday: Close all trades on Friday, only if they are in 利潤, and do not open any others.
- Close Friday Hour: closing time on Friday
- Trade Comment: trades comments
- Broker Utc: Broker utc time (usually 2)
- Enable News Filter: Switch to false for disable news filter or to true for enable it.
News Filter Link: http://ec.forexprostools.com/?columns=exc_currency,exc_importance&importance=1,2,3&calType=week&timeZone=15&lang=1
- Pause After News in minuts: Trading pause after news in minuts
- Pause Before News in minuts: Trading pause before news in minuts
- Enable High Impact News: Switch to true for stop trading in high impact news
- Enable Medium Impact News: Switch to true for stop trading in medium impact news
- Enable Low Impact News: Switch to true for stop trading in low impact news
- News Currency: News filter currency, if you want to filter less currencies, simply cancel it.
- Broker Gmt Offset: Broker current gmt.
- Change Chart Color: Change Chart Color in Scalper Pro Colors
- 顯示面板: Show panel
Trend Following Pro Results:
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