Scalping VS Swing TradingFree MT4 Robot With 2 聰明的東西


Scalping VS Swing Trading - MT4 Robot With Two Smart Algo

Scalping VS Swing Trading Algo EA review

A fully automated forex robot called Scalping VS Swing Trading Algo EA typically costs $500. This forex robot is an algorithm for automatic trading that simulates a global scalper trading on the m1 time frame on a variety of chosen pairs.
The options you select determine the algorithm's profitability. The average monthly profitability for the best set is 12–25%, for the cautious set, 5–15%, and for the aggressive set, 30–150%.



  • The built-in Trailing-STOP mechanism increases risks but also multiplies profitability;
  • Setting up a dynamic step to improve the EA's survival potential during a persistent trend is achievable;
  • You may adapt the algorithm for any sort of trading thanks to its extensive functionality and range of protective parameters (新聞過濾器, 部分頭寸對沖, ETC。);
  • a locker that may be adjusted, including the degree of locking;
  • It includes several tools for tracking and closing orders, as well as numerous filters for inputting positions.
  • Lightweight, incredibly user-friendly UI with spread, TP lines, and trawl inclusion lines displayed. In stressful situations, it is simple to browse and manage thanks to the buttons on the panel.
  • Yetti Original has built-in protection and position recalculation functions that guard the EA against a number of pointless orders, a failure of the main grid building cycle during terminal reboots, 虛擬專用伺服器, a protracted lack of communication between the VPS and the server, the broker's prohibition against opening orders, and other threats.
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The Scalping VS Swing Trading Algo EA works with any broker and any type of account, 但我們建議我們的客戶使用其中之一 頂級外匯經紀商 下面列出:

經紀商名稱登記成立年份 總部 槓桿作用最低存款額 調節
Scalping VS Swing Trading - Free MT4 Robot With 2 Smart Algo 1登記2007
🇨🇾 塞浦路斯
🇧🇸 巴哈馬
🇸🇿 塞席爾
1:1000$200專用積體電路, SCB, 金融服務管理局
Scalping VS Swing Trading - Free MT4 Robot With 2 Smart Algo 2登記2008
🇨🇾 塞浦路斯
1:無限$10塞浦路斯證券交易委員會, 英國金融行為監理局, 金融服務管理局, 金融服務管理局, 英屬維京群島
Scalping VS Swing Trading - Free MT4 Robot With 2 Smart Algo 3登記2009
🇧🇿 貝利茲
Scalping VS Swing Trading - Free MT4 Robot With 2 Smart Algo 4登記2009
🇧🇿 貝利茲
Scalping VS Swing Trading - Free MT4 Robot With 2 Smart Algo 5登記2009
🇨🇾 塞浦路斯
🇧🇿 貝利茲
🇦🇪 阿聯酋航空
1:1000$5 專用積體電路, 塞浦路斯證券交易委員會 , 國際金融服務中心
Scalping VS Swing Trading - Free MT4 Robot With 2 Smart Algo 6登記2010
1:500$200英國金融行為監理局 , 專用積體電路, DFSA
Scalping VS Swing Trading - Free MT4 Robot With 2 Smart Algo 7登記2011
Scalping VS Swing Trading - Free MT4 Robot With 2 Smart Algo 8登記2006
1:400 $100工業商業銀行, 中國證券交易委員會, PFSA, 專用積體電路, 英屬維京群島金融服務中心, FFAJ, 南非金融服務協會,阿布達比全球金融中心, ISA

Scalping VS Swing Trading Algo EA Setting

Scalping VS Swing Trading - Free MT4 Robot With 2 Smart Algo 9


500$ minimum balance per account.

Best Results On EURUSD (work on any pair).
working on M1.

ECN accounts with low spreads are also advised.


Scalping VS Swing Trading - MT4 Robot With Two Smart Algo swing trading vs scalping

Swing trading vs scalping Algo EA Free Download

We highly recommend trying the swing trading vs scalping Algo EA for a week with ICMarket 模擬帳戶. 也, 在真實帳戶上使用系統之前,請熟悉並了解系統的工作原理.

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平均評分 5 / 5. 計票數: 1

目前還沒有投票! 成為第一個評價這篇文章的人.




作者: 外匯維基團隊
我們是一支由經驗豐富的外匯交易者組成的團隊 [2000-2023] 致力於用自己的方式生活的人. 我們的首要目標是實現財務獨立和自由, 我們追求自我教育,並在外匯市場中獲得了豐富的經驗,以此作為實現自我永續生活方式的手段.