週期性分析 – 我今天是如何賺到 4000 美元的 (myFXbook 已驗證)



近期比特幣最新資訊, 所有這些擔心, 人們稱其為“FUD”,但我實際上並不喜歡那個時期. 作為一個明智的交易者,不確定性和懷疑是你永遠不需要擁有的一件事. It's a must to embrace the chaos. 你站起來預見到危險. This concept that you're solely going to take danger if you end up sure couldn’t be farther from the reality. 讓我們簡單地弄清楚這一點, you'll by no means make sure. 您確信這一天將是您最偉大的交易日之一.

我認為最後一天的價值動議可能是一個很好的選擇,不僅可以闡明現在如何管理您的核心長期業務, 但也讓它在買賣心理學中發揮作用. 這堂課我稱之為“讓市場帶你退出商業”.
當你冒著危險時,心理學對於買賣和投資至關重要. 最終發生的事情是,現金為我們人類創造了多種情緒,而對失去現金的擔憂對他們產生了適當的影響. 當你不自覺、不謹慎時, 這些感覺可以推動您的買賣選擇. 作為商家, 我們必須從方程式中消除這種情緒.

我可以通過專業知識告訴你, the sensation you get when you've a variety of danger on and the worry that's related to shedding cash will be completely paralyzing. I’m positive a lot of you've felt the identical approach in some unspecified time in the future along with your buying and selling. 當我買賣國債時我又想起了. 我一直在財政部市場上競標 $200 萬個10, 開始變得擁擠, 我的屏幕掉下來了,我什至不知道自己在哪裡. 我曾故意向一些潛在客戶推銷我的店鋪,但他們卻取消了他們的訂單. 我被塞滿的不同實例 $1 百萬, $3 百萬, $5 百萬噸如此之快,以至於將每個屏幕加起來並確定我的位置簡直是不可思議的 (為此,我們確實聘請了一位忠誠的重返工作崗位的員工) 之後市場開始下跌. 當您購買 $50 百萬或一個 $100 百萬美元的地方,市場開始迅速下跌,或者你的顯示屏下降, 唯一的問題是很難做到,因為擔心會讓你癱瘓。. 你實際上不能做簡單的算術.

當你進入這樣的行業時,會產生各種各樣的情緒. 我們買賣比特幣後並沒有完全不同. 當我們了解市場上可用的巨大因素後,我看到各種各樣的情緒出現, 這是完全純淨的. 作為經銷商, 你總是需要努力自我,並且你一直在嘗試變得更高. 這就是我對買賣的熱愛——這是一個不斷進步、更加自律的終生過程. 有很多關於你自己的問題你可以解決,這可以幫助你成為一個更好的經銷商.

買賣時最好的做法是將“你”排除在外. 這意味著將你的自我排除在外. 沒有情感的交易要簡單得多. 做到這一點的方法之一就是消滅你自己,然後讓一個交易模型或一個過程來接管. 我的交易往往更加機械化,因為我已經達到了使用模型的目的,並且我總是問自己這樣的問題:


通過一次又一次地這樣做, 我不會因為嘗試確定市場走向而情緒激動. When you usually end up saying “I assume Bitcoin goes to double…” or “I really feel like Bitcoin goes to crash this far…” — you're doing approach an excessive amount of considering utilizing an excessive amount of emotion. 這些問題都是你的自我造成的. 當你開始將其構建到你的想法中並與你的情感一起激發這樣的想法時, you'll ignore a lot of the opposite market info that’s coming again at you. The ego goes to take over and you'll defend a place, an thought that you've emotionally charged, “我知道我會表現得體”, “這必鬚髮生”. 當它不發生時, the human mind will really begin to defend these concepts and you'll begin to block out the opposite info that’s telling you you’re unsuitable. 作為經銷商, 這就是我看到很多人毀掉賬戶的地方.

減少這種情況的一種方法是始終牢記並嘗試監控自己的感受, 然而,放開自我的東西更簡單, 簡單地消除它.
我們將把它與決定何時退出商業聯繫起來. 您的決定可能主要基於基本面, 一個信息故事, or one thing else that occurs and modifications your thoughts, resulting in you deciding that you must get out. It will get to the purpose the place you'll discuss your self out of a place. I name that “you” taking your self out of the place; the ego is taking you out, not the market.

I have a number of methods for getting out of a place. There’s completely different trailing cease strategies you need to use, however one of the crucial highly effective is clearly simply staying in till the development breaks. If we need to play one thing lengthy, we’re going to play that 80%-90% of the time with the present uptrend. A few of you who've been out of Bitcoin for no matter cause you’ve created, that’s the ego. So now you don’t know what to do on the highs as a result of it’s already had a superb run. You actually shouldn’t be shopping for proper in entrance of the all-time excessive resistance.

When I’m buying and selling long run, my mindset is I have a core piece that I won't ever promote. 例如, again within the 80’s the place to procure Apple with the mindset that you'd by no means promote it. You'd be glad that was your sport plan. Some folks, after it doubles or triples, they are saying “oh that’s it, I gotta get out of all the things” after which they lose their place. These markets will are likely to run farther than you assume. $25,000 是比特幣的一個有效價值目標,但是如果它變得瘋狂並走向崩潰怎麼辦? $40,000 首先早於我們現在出現的巨大調整或巨大熊市? 作為備選, 我們必須讓市場上出現一件事. 開發想要中斷或者有某種形式的指標讓你完全脫離商業, 不僅僅是你決定退出. 市場將決定或者買賣過程將決定.

在我的買賣中, 在價值破壞發展之前我不會離開一個地方. 為我, 當我談論較長時間段時,我可以在每日或每週圖表上看到這一點. 僅僅放, 比特幣的周線圖清楚地顯示出價值一直在創造一系列的低點和路徑 8 轉讓價格間隔仍有待上升. 你不會讓我看跌或完全持平比特幣,除非價值消除了上低樞軸並消除了頻帶, 一路下來. 在某些因素下,我的位置會變得更重. 我們最近剛剛購買了更激進的產品,並將一些收入推向高位, 但我不會離開我的完整位置,除非它破壞了發展.

方法應該被發現. 其中一些也來自專業知識. 我經歷過很多這樣的例子, the place I’ve exited a place as a result of I thought the market was performed going up or picked some magical time limit and on the chart, that it ought to cease going up and it simply retains going and going. These are a few of your greatest winners as a result of nobody can imagine how far the market went. They begin shorting it, after which it takes out the shorts and simply retains going and going however you’ve misplaced your place since you simply determined while you have been going to get out. A easy factor that you simply’ve bought to begin considering. Let the market take you out. You shouldn’t be ending the commerce — the market, one thing in your course of, 價值運動修改,它在圖表上做了一件事 - 這就是讓你出局的原因. 這不是你的決定

部分 3: 場地大小和時間安排

There are a lot of within the business who've taught merchants a far too simplistic strategy to coming into and exiting positions. 我不確定這種市場競爭模式如何或為何變得如此普遍, 然而它有. When I am requested a few explicit commerce or possibly in regards to the path of a market and it's often adopted up with a necessity for particular “value targets”. 大多數商家心態及其市場策略的問題在於,他們僅依賴於一個進入因素,可能還依賴於兩個或三個退出因素/價值目標. 這是限制性的,約束了商家的選擇權, 限制了他們的成功機率.

新經銷商傾向於將其分配給選定業務的所有資金意外地投入市場——以一個明確的價值, 在特定的某一秒. 當你真正考慮這個想法時, it's fairly naive.. Buying and selling is tough sufficient as it's to attempt to get each path and time proper. 為什麼一些商人認為他們會精確地確定時間的精確秒數和精確的價值水平來投入所有辛苦賺來的資本? 這從一開始就限制了你成功的機率. It isn't simply the one entry methodology that restricts your likelihood of success, 這是兩個或三個“價值目標”的想法.
我的交易主要基於超賣和超買的方法,利用周期對我有利. Using a method the place I don't purchase in a single lump some at one value however scale in over a number of entries whereas including and decreasing my measurement of positions additional compounds my outcomes. 我主要根據周期和時間退出頭寸, 當市場出現超買和超賣時, 不僅僅是主要基於特定的價值目標.



技術評價涵蓋價值運動和發展, however it's within the discipline of cyclical evaluation that we start to advance into the understanding of house and time.

我們將房屋視為圖表上價值運動的世界——高點和低點之間的差距. 當我們開始掌握與市場價值變動相關的時間要素之後, 然後我們開始尋找市場時機的關鍵. 時機將增加一個人在整個發展過程中選擇特定高點和低點的可能性. 我們還開始擴展識別潛在開發修改的可能性. 當深入研究時序評估時, 它有助於預測轉讓的開始和結束,這自然會導致買賣的成功費用增加.

我最喜歡在圖表中考慮時間的方法是使用 Pi 線. 讓我首先了解一些有關時間和周期的主要想法,以及我們在買賣中使用這些週期性方法來提供過度可能的市場設置的方式. 我將其命名為 Pi 線,這是眾多核心思想之一. Pi 是圓的周長與其直徑的比值,Pi 的數學意義在許多領域都是眾所周知的. 它的起源可以追溯到古代.
Pi is represented by the Greek letter “π”, and since its definition pertains to the circle, π is discovered in lots of formulation in geometry and trigonometry.

Cyclical Analysis - How I Made $4k Today (myFXbook verified) 2

Pi seems in different sciences reminiscent of quantity principle and statistics. Additionally it is present in thermodynamics, mechanics and electromagnetism. We will see the numerical significance of Pi in cyclical wave constructions. Sine and cosine capabilities repeat with a interval of 2 π. This oscillation and wave kind creates a rhythm of time. These are the oscillation and wave formations that we attempt to establish in our buying and selling. Very like the rhythm of a pendulum, we glance to commerce across the identical rhythms of time on the chart.

Cyclical Analysis - How I Made $4k Today (myFXbook verified) 3

This oscillation via time creates a cyclical rhythm and these mathematical constants present that there's an underlying construction and geometry of not simply house but additionally of time.

Cyclical Analysis - How I Made $4k Today (myFXbook verified) 4

圖表上的價格走勢只是我們所說的市場中人們的活力轉移. 每件小事都以波浪的方式衝擊——這就是活力的傳播方式. 因此,我圍繞這種波形成循環振動構建了一個人體模型. Pi defines the circle and thus it's the excellent cycle. 我最初開始尋找方法將這種週期性和數學現象納入我的交易模型中. 我接下來發現的其實很簡單,但它在所有時間範圍的價值圖表上產生了美妙的結果.

我決定將 Pi 放在圖表上. 我一直在尋找一個擴展的傳輸公共點以包含在我們的開發評估中,並決定為什麼不採用 Pi, 3.14 x100, 並放一個 314 我們圖表上常見的簡單間隔轉移. 當我這樣做的時候, 我對價值在頂部和底部出現突出高點和低點的準確性和頻率感到驚訝, 通常達到精確的程度,因為傳輸公共線本身. 這條線路上各種難以想像的失敗和反彈令人大開眼界. 我發現無論時間範圍如何它都會發生. 我知道在我的 15 多年的買賣經驗和機構專業知識,與許多最大和最受尊敬的商人交談, 我從來沒有聽說過任何人使用這種轉移公共. 老實說,大多數商家根本就沒有走上正確使用的道路。 200 間隔傳輸公共. 所以, 每個人都使用相同的自我實現預言的想法 314 間隔轉移普通並不是一個促成問題,為什麼這在定義價值運動方面做得如此出色. 為什麼這條傳輸公共線路如此有效,顯然還有其他原因. 這證明了生命力如何發揮潛在的周期性結構.

在我的買賣中, I don't use anyone explicit transferring common nor do I use simplistic transferring common crosses to find out when to purchase and promote It is a bit more sophisticated than that. This easy Pi Line idea is proof that there's a hidden design to markets and below the floor of what appears to be chaotic random occasions. 在復雜性的背後隱藏著可重複的循環模式,圓周率線的想法展示了這一點. Pi 週期的每個高點和低點在整個時間範圍和所有市場中都很常見.

I don't simply merely purchase and promote when value hits the Pi Line nor do I go bullish or bearish simply based mostly off value being above or under this line. 這個人體模型, 重申, 更深入,該方法僅從 Pi 線開始. 然而,作為一個總體良好的基本規則, Pi線是開始個人商業的絕佳場所. Many profitable commerce setups happen at or close to this important cycle line.



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作者: 外匯維基團隊
我們是一支經驗豐富的外匯交易員團隊 [2000-2023] 致力於以我們自己的方式生活的人. 我們的主要目標是實現財務獨立和自由, 我們追求自我教育並在外匯市場上獲得豐富的經驗,以此作為實現自我可持續生活方式的手段.