Dkings Legend 波段交易系統

最後, i've determined to honor the request of those that have requested me to begin a thread in a bid to share my technique of buying and selling...
however firstly i have to acknowledge that in my path to studying i've been helped by a variety of beneficiant merchants on this discussion board and i'm truly doing this in respect and honor to such nice individuals, 我沒有重新發明任何我只是發現的輪子 一些模式化的市場行為 after spending 1000's of hours on chart viewing value charts and making this sacrifice is priceless however the discovery is price it i have to confess...
當我開始買賣時,我真的有很好的目標 (和幽默足夠我仍然這樣做,但只是比我剛開始時更明智的期望).不切實際的期望 made my method to Forex defective from the onset...i had a nasty psychology as my basis and it made the whole lot else defective... such that, each buying and selling system by no means labored and what labored solely lasted for just a bit time period... the entire dream and fuss was to show a 三位數帳戶 六位數帳戶 inside a month or two .... 那 聖杯 was there to make any noble determined dealer rich... and so my quest was by no means ending... however now i do know higher... 我一直都是聖杯 直到我到了讓自己適應市場基本規則的時期 nothing would ever work...
however at the moment i do know higher... although not buying and selling the six digit account but 然而一天一天的進步保證明天又是一個盈利的日子 已經 我最開心的事... 現在一切都只是時間問題,讓 複合好奇心的驚悚片完成它的過程...
i'm only a younger Nigerian dude standing out to 區別對待... and my complete aim is that many merchants get to make use of the data from this thread to make their buying and selling higher and like i used to be helped by the data i gleaned from different boards... that they too would possibly get a tip or two from right here as effectively...
and earlier than i get into the primary particulars... there are some merchants on ff that i want to actually meet sometime loll... in all probability for a cup of espresso in honor of their influence on my buying and selling data .....他們贏得了我的尊重!!!... i might slot of their names at applicable factors beneath on my buying and selling heroes listing...

Dkings Legend 波段交易系統
單詞買賣數據免費 然而它的 理解會讓你付出代價!... it's a must to 付出巨大的代價 要得到 理解, this path each dealer should embrace to turn into profitable...

1) Value Motion... chart patterns and Candle stick sample (了解做市商的行為)
2) 協助和抵抗/需求和提供 (完整的數字, 半數和四分之一)
3) 數量評估
4) 能量洞評估 (利用外彙能量計) 隨著外匯斜率
5) 市場建設了解市場週期 (積累部分, 跑起來, 再積累, 助跑, 分配, 標記- 向下, redistribution markdown... then repeat)
6) 動量指標和振盪指標的分歧和匯合
7) 外匯對的範圍 (天天, weekly and month-to-month value ranges and pivot evaluation...)
i might add to the listing when there's a want so as to add... of all i realized this previous years this ideas have confirmed to be pivotal in summing up credible choices to both place purchase or a promote order...
indicators are nice instruments relying on the merchants utilizing them truly and it's best to word that merchants make indicators indicators do not make merchants... there isn't any one indicator on the market that will make you an excellent dealer... however if you turn into a great dealer you may maximize any indicator to its full potential to get unimaginable outcomes...

The indications are all within the template i'm going to share... guarantee your setup appears to be like like mine in order that we will be on the identical web page.., 數量指標 是被認為是其中之一的作品 my nice ff heroes 'traderathome' PVSRA 的啟動器 (數值輔助和阻力評估) thread and different nice contributors of that thread.... 你可以去那裡,深入了解我們可能會在我們的評估中使用的大部分問題,只是為了讓我們減輕合理化的壓力。(雖然你有各種各樣的學習要做Dkings Legend Swing Trading System 1

另一個不錯的指標是外彙能量表 1 good beneficiant programmer right here on ff 'Swingman' 我不得不說這樣一個理想的指標! different indicators have been gotten from some boards right here on ff...

guidelines of the sport are fairly easy and really pivotal...
第一條也是最必要的規則是現金管理 ....belief me no swing dealer survives with out a discreet rule for cash administration...
and that i devised a really secure stress-less and danger free technique of buying and selling my account and rising my account patiently ....risking so little that the market cant take me out irrespective of how far it decides to go in opposition to me... and conserving my draw-downs low... 我不認購止損... they 流血你的帳戶 to loss of life ultimately...
我利用 0.01 每個批量 500 {美元} 並且我增加了我的手數 0.01 when its doubled... 意思是 0.02 為了 1000 {美元}... too tinyDkings Legend Swing Trading System 2? not so small for those who interact our stage entry technique of shopping for and promoting...

我們的主要時間框架可以是 1 小時 tf

use forex energy to purchase the weakest forex.... 已經達到極限 1-0 階段
地方 3-5 待定購買限額 25(50英鎊對的點) 點遠離進入因素和 50 pips distance for GBP pairs... enable trades to run... minimal goal 50 pips... or weekly vary excessive

use forex energy to promote the strongest pair... which have maxed out the 8-9 限制
地方 3-5 待提升限制 25(50 英鎊對的點) pips away from level of entry....

the rule of conduct on this thread...
相互尊重 trolling... no insults... (這是我討厭一些 ff 成員的一個特點).. simply stroll away for those who don't love what you re seeing...
and please do not publish irrelevant techniques right here... simply go open a thread for that....
wholesome constructive criticism is welcome... i like seeing issues from different views too however solely achieve this for those who absolutely know higher...
please attempt to ask questions associated to what we have now right here...

我確實知道一個因素, you'll turn into a legend swing dealer if you observe this buying and selling system diligently...Dkings Legend Swing Trading System 3.
and likewise sometimes i might at all times replace this primary publish with newest informations as they arrive... and for lazy merchants who wish to have all of it served in a single web page... some informations can be deliberately littered inside posts inside this thread... do not assume anybody would spoon feed you... do your due diligence to go looking by...

請免責聲明 ... I don't take any accountability on your income or loss ... So no matter you do with informations from this thread are solely your accountability!

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目前還沒有投票! 成為第一個評價這篇文章的人.




作者: 外匯維基團隊
我們是一支經驗豐富的外匯交易員團隊 [2000-2023] 致力於以我們自己的方式生活的人. 我們的主要目標是實現財務獨立和自由, 我們追求自我教育並在外匯市場上獲得豐富的經驗,以此作為實現自我可持續生活方式的手段.