趨勢線突破 (您唯一需要的系統)


After many PM's, 電子郵件, & 整個 FF 家族的任何其他可能的聯繫方式; I've decided to share my simple trading system/strategy with you. For those who don't know me, 我的名字是約瑟夫 (明顯的: 約瑟夫) 我從事外匯交易已有兩年多了. I frequent the Eur/Usd thread as I only trade Eur/Usd. I chose to trade E/U because of the viable; business nature of the pair.

Trendline Break (The Only System You Need) 1

Different strokes for different folks. While we all hold various skills and tools, we all are tackling the same problem. 很遺憾, one person's method may not help another. Oscillator Indications. For the most part I have a huge problem with putting them to practice on a live account. The reasons are of course, obvious. 儘管, I would never tell a person their system and/or indicator doesn't work. It's just that, Oscillator Indicators has never worked for me.

價格行動. As some of us cringe at those two, little words, I totallty understand. I too, was one that didn't believe in Pure Price Action trading. After putting Price Action up to test, I found I understood the market better. I understood the why, 如何, and when of Price Action. What I've found is that a trader only needs Candlestick Patterns, Trendlines, and maybe Pivot Points.

**** Revised **** Trendline Break System 版本 2.0
Visit POST #63 to view the revised strategy

Get a compiled version of Heikin Ashi
Visit POST #65 to download

If there ever was an easier; modular system, this one is the one. The basic idea of trendlines comprises of many variables that must be taken in consideration when in use, 例如, Trend Angle, 勢頭, & 時間. I'll let you in on a little secret on trading: its not as "隨機的" as most would want you to belive. The market tends to trend either way and patterns occur more often than you think. I would invite you to study up on Market Movements and Patterns, Candlestick Reveral Patterns, and Trendline Uses. The Trendline Break system contains three individual variation; all based on personal preferences. One will be discussed in this thread. The other two will be discussed in a later date. One of the major problems with trading trendlines is that most traders do not know how to properly set and use them. Here is some readings on how to properly apply trendlines.
A very good skill to hold is being able to read Candlestick Reversal Patterns. Here are some readings on how to properly read and react to candlestick reversal patterns,

Tools of the Trade
1) Trendlines
2) Candlestick Reversals Patterns
3) 任何時間範圍

交易策略. As Simple as One, Two & Three
1) Find the upwards trend,
2) Apply the trendline,
3) Price Action breaks downwards through the trendline
Our first step is to locate a strong upwards trend. Apply a trendline to help visually spot out that trend and to use as an "barrier" for Price Action. Now we wait for Price Action to breakthrough the trendline and head downwards, in which a SELL order may now be entered. The chart below is an example of a trade setup we are looking for.


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Trendline Break (The Only System You Need) 2

Exit Rules
Now that we have an live SELL order open and locked in some green pips, our next focus should be to plan for an exit. Based on our knowledge of Candlestick Reversal Patterns, we will not only use this for entries, but for exits as well. To exit an open position, the trader must recognize candlestick reversal patterns and exit that trade accordingly.

Trade Notes
* 儘管, this system uses SELL orders only, technically you could appy this strategy to BUY order as well. SELL orders were chosen because of their quick; predictable nature of movement. 最好, it's always best to practice trading one direction as opposed to two.
* 市場波動. This system may become useless under low volatile market conditions. Please take note of slow and/or erratic market movements as these conditions have the ability to produce incorrect trading signals.
* Limit Losses. 與任何交易系統一樣, a trader must use discretion in limiting ones trading risks and losses.

記住, the basic idea of this system is to keep it simple and focused by limiting equity exposure and offer a very focused trading strategy. This system includes an entry, 出口, and simple price action tools; all that is needed for a trader to be profitable. Stay focused and always stick to the plan.

A example of a trade setup on a 1 Hour timeframe.


附加圖像 (點擊放大)
Trendline Break (The Only System You Need) 3


Example of trade setups on 4 Hour timeframe


附加圖像 (點擊放大)
Trendline Break (The Only System You Need) 4
File Type: mq4 Heiken Ashi.mq4 4 知識庫 | 76 下載
File Type: mq4 Pivots Daily.mq4 15 知識庫 | 415 下載
File Type: mq4 Ind-WSO+WRO+Trend Line.mq4 5 知識庫 | 1,547 下載
File Type: mq4 TL DOWN - BO alert - AP - V3.mq4 5 知識庫 | 876 下載
File Type: mq4 TL UP - BO alert - AP - V3.mq4 5 知識庫 | 837 下載



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作者: 外匯維基團隊
我們是一支經驗豐富的外匯交易員團隊 [2000-2023] 致力於以我們自己的方式生活的人. 我們的主要目標是實現財務獨立和自由, 我們追求自我教育並在外匯市場上獲得豐富的經驗,以此作為實現自我可持續生活方式的手段.