Brother2 is the separate indicator for each currency pair and each forex broker

Brother2 is the separate indicator for each currency pair and each forex broker
Skrywer: puncher (2009.12.23 10:16)
Gradering: 10
Afgelaai: 5119
Brother2 is the separate indicator for each currency pair and each forex broker 1 (2.0 Kb)
Brother2 is the separate indicator for each currency pair and each forex broker 2 Brother2.mq4 (17.3 Kb) Beskou




You have many informations about the MARKET and CURRENCY in ONE SUBWINDOW


Brother2 is the separate indicator for each currency pair and each forex broker 3




  • Every currency pair and every BROKER
  • You don't need change anything I think

I have also added the template to take nice effect for this indicator - brother2.tpl ( file - unzip it to {drive letter}:\Program files\{Meta trader folder}\sjablone)

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Skrywer: Forex Wiki-span
Ons is 'n span hoogs ervare Forex Handelaars [2000-2023] wat daaraan toegewy is om die lewe op ons eie terme te leef. Ons primêre doelwit is om finansiële onafhanklikheid en vryheid te verkry, en ons het selfonderrig nagestreef en uitgebreide ondervinding in die Forex-mark opgedoen as ons manier om 'n selfvolhoubare leefstyl te bereik.