PA based LTG


A bit about myself. On the FX Journey for +5 jare, had no full methodology. A sure mentor (mentor's) modified that for me, considered one of them is genie.

Now this thread shall be about sharing what every mentor taught me. That is what genie stands for..

However first we begin with the primary mentor. the primary 100 pages of this thread shall be about Double prime's/Double prime's/fibanochi H4/D1 and all all through this thread, the theme is value motion. from basic-intermediary-advanced.

I believe it will likely be thrilling and vastly useful to you should you undergo the method with me. For this you want the endurance, improvement takes time.

Individuals who I hope are a part of this thread are, Emmanuel and hitan234. please respect them and one another.

Goed. For those who need the template, Beneath is the chart look and template. I'll replace the primary submit later.

Aangekoppelde prentjie (klik op om te vergroot)


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File Type: tpl Genie4hr1hr.tpl 7 KB | 41 aflaaie | Opgelaai Aug 11, 2017 7:12vm

EMA crossover sign: 5 ema crossing the 20 ema arrow:

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File Type: ex4 EMA Crossover Sign.ex4 4 KB | 49 aflaaie | Opgelaai Aug 11, 2017 7:12vm

Crossover sign setting's:

Aangekoppelde prentjie
PA based LTG 2

Me and the GENIE Will likely be engaged on on this thread. Will likely be some good things.

First instructional PDF.

File Type: pdf TRADING PLAN 4 Hour Chart $Y (examples).pdf 635 KB | 18 aflaaie | Opgelaai Aug 11, 2017 1:35nm

.. Buying and selling plan.

Second instructional PDF.

File Type: pdf Double backside and double tops with fib,, (1).pdf 601 KB | 16 aflaaie | Opgelaai Aug 11, 2017 1:36nm

.. Double backside, double prime's. Your first introduction right here on Fibonacci..

And that is only a primary begin.

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Skrywer: Forex Wiki-span
Ons is 'n span hoogs ervare Forex Handelaars [2000-2023] wat daaraan toegewy is om die lewe op ons eie terme te leef. Ons primêre doelwit is om finansiële onafhanklikheid en vryheid te verkry, en ons het selfonderrig nagestreef en uitgebreide ondervinding in die Forex-mark opgedoen as ons manier om 'n selfvolhoubare leefstyl te bereik.