[EA] – Charles-1.3.7

[EA] - Charles-1.3.7
مؤلف: مع السلامة (2013.05.27 07:51)
تم التنزيل: 1984
[EA] - Charles-1.3.7 1
Charles1_3_7.mq4 (20.3 كيلو بايت) منظر


The idea is the same of the previous version except that now it tries to maximize the gain when profitable and allows to play with trailing stop and profit in order to close profitable orders even when stalled in "protected" condition trying to exit.


A couple of examples (not optimized)

[EA] - Charles-1.3.7 2

[EA] - Charles-1.3.7 3

3 تعليقات لنشر تعليق جديد, لو سمحت تسجيل الدخول أو يسجل


Hello The stoploss not working plz correct the code soon



29.05.2013 10:52 tradefx

First of all i want to thank you very much for share your code.

This is very good strategy - I use previous version and i get real profit by using this EA. Never then less this version generates Stop Out - stoploss don't work when hedging is closed.


EURUSD Signalmacd=10 Anchor=25 xFactor=1.5 Amount=1 RiskPercent=10 LotPercent=10 Lots=0.1 StopLoss=20 TrailingProfit=5 TrailingStop=1 Slippage=1 Qema=10 Sema=32 Fastema=8 Slowema=14


If you can please add some stoploss for situations when hedging order is closed but original order loses to much.

Thank you once again.


28.05.2013 20:16 felek

La base è buona, ma rivedrei la gestione degli ordini. Genera molti errori in fase di modifica ordini. A parte ciò penso che tu debba velocizzare in qualche modo i segnali. Sembra che entri sempre in ritardo.

Un saluto e ottimo lavoro

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