EqualVolumeBars [ ru | CN ]
مؤلف: سماد (2008.01.28 23:01)
تقييم: 10
تم التنزيل: 6920
EqualVolumeBars 1
EqualVolumeBars.mq4 (8.8 كيلو بايت) منظر
The description and instructions are given in the article Equivolume Charting Revisited.
3 تعليقات لنشر تعليق جديد, لو سمحت تسجيل الدخول أو يسجل

Great work! أي توصيات للأزواج وTF? Anyone meticulously backtest this EA on an array of pairs and TF's? I won't be able to do a thorough analysis of pairs and time frames until next week; if nobody has replied by then, I'll post my findings here. شكرًا!
17.03.2012 16:37 mwduke

excellent job!
12.12.2011 01:48 kendobrat

Thanks for your works komposter.

This is what I have been looking for on MetaTrader. Due to the higher accuracy of technical analysis on Non-time-based Charts, I had to stick to NinjaTrader for opening Tick Charts and Range Bar Charts. They could always show the trends better. Now with your systems I could switch to MetaTrader platform and utilize the abundant indicators presented.

With the tick saving system, your Tick Charts system is really perfect as other Tick Charts could only works when their corresponding Time-based Charts are working. When either of them closed all the data would be lost and it takes time to rebuild the Tick Chart from the very beginning.

Could you write another EA for Constant Range Bar Charts? With your Tick Collector system made, I really hope that you could design Range Bar Chart system which could fully utilize the tick data stored. At present there are two Range Bar Chart EAs. One is open source and one is commercial, both of them are not backed by tick historical data. The open source one even fails to display the accurate time of each bar at y-axis.

If you could spare some time writing the Range Bar Chart EA, it would definitely a blessing for serious technical analytics traders using MetaTrader platform.

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