Coensio Swing Trader EA CSTV04

Coensio Swing Trader EA CSTV04
مؤلف: coensio (2013.11.26 13:12)
تم التنزيل: 1422
Coensio Swing Trader EA CSTV04 1
CSTV04.mq4 (13.5 كيلو بايت) منظر


Coensio Swing Trader makes it possible to trade semi-automatically using manually pre-defined support/resistance or breakout levels. EA sends automatically orders according to predefined trading direction which can be defined as simply as drawing a line on the chart. Trading SR and breakouts was never so easy.


Coensio Swing Trader V04

EA trading instructions:

1. Load EA on chart and set desired parameters: إيقاف الخسارة, اخذ ربح, الكثير, EntryThreshold, Trailing StopLoss etc..
2. Draw a breakout/trendline on chart (Insert->Lines->Trednline).
3. Rename trendline according to desired trade direction "gl" = long; "gs" = short.
4. Move Blue and Red line to adjust TakeProfit/StopLoss levels.
5. To enable proportional risk management, set Lots=0; and e.g.:
RiskMax=2 (في % of account equity based on StopLoss size).
6. When FalseBreakClose=true, order will be closed when entry candle turns and closes in the wrong direction.


8 تعليقات لنشر تعليق جديد, لو سمحت تسجيل الدخول أو يسجل

شكرًا, thats make sense, what do you thing about "ماجستير" انطلق?

Hi mik2013, in my opinion trading MA breakouts is a bad idea.

08.12.2013 18:11 coensio

شكرًا, thats make sense, what do you thing about "ماجستير" انطلق?
08.12.2013 03:10 mik2013

آسف, إنه عمل,لكن, may be late,sometimes one bar (شمعة) more the 10 بالنقاط. Can you program like stop order, if hit the price open order right away? I would suggest if you could use "ماجستير" also, if break the moving average open or close the order, thats would be great.

It's too late because of EntryThreshold setting, that determines the number of "انطلق" pips below the trend line before sending an order. Setting EntryThreshold parameter to <5 is not recommended because then you would get into the market on every single "false breakout" event.

07.12.2013 10:52 coensio

آسف, إنه عمل,لكن, may be late,sometimes one bar (شمعة) more the 10 بالنقاط. Can you program like stop order, if hit the price open order right away? I would suggest if you could use "ماجستير" also, if break the moving average open or close the order, thats would be great.
06.12.2013 23:06 mik2013

I placed on the chart as you described, its broke through the line but no order was placed, can you give more help to make it work?

Did you renamed your Trendline? "gl" = for long direction, "gs" = for short direction. Otherwise please post the output from "الخبراء" tab.

05.12.2013 18:45 coensio

Wonderful tool... but can't get any order out of it. What is the official syntax please ?
05.12.2013 16:11 samwise59

I placed on the chart as you described, its broke through the line but no order was placed, can you give more help to make it work?
03.12.2013 20:44 mik2013

good job

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