Murrey Levels. Murrey_Math_Line indicator v2 [ ru ]

Murrey Levels. Murrey_Math_Line indicator v2 [ ru ]
مؤلف: kharko (2009.11.19 16:50)
تم التنزيل: 2961
Murrey Levels. Murrey_Math_Line indicator v2 [ ru ] 2
Murrey_Math_Line v2.mq4 (14.2 كيلو بايت) منظر


Vladislav Goshkov, Alex.Piech.FinGeR, Alexei Kharchenko


The Murrey Levels are constructed depending on the price range of the current timeframe.

The indicator has an opportunity to show levels from the selected extremum to the current price.

Select blue arrow and drag it to the necessary bar.

Also it can show time zones...


Murrey Levels. Murrey_Math_Line indicator v2 [ ru ] 3

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Note that it's a mirror translation of the original Russian version.

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